CPD Modules for Health and Social Care Practitioners
Our wide range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) modules below can be studied individually or as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate award. Please note that this list does not imply that Post Qualification Learning funds through CPD Apply will be available.
Many CPD modules start in September and February, meaning that if you miss the September intake you do not always need to wait a year to begin studying.
NHS Health Education North West Funded Modules
NHS Health Education North West funds Post-Qualification Learning for professional health and social care staff under their remit. Post-Qualification Learning follows a modular structure and a limited choice of modules can be studied on a stand-alone basis or towards a post-qualification award.
Staff should contact their line manager and trust lead to discuss availability and how to apply.
The CPD Apply NW Application tool is available to NWAS (North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust) staff only. If you are employed by NWAS you may be able to secure funding for your module(s). Please see CPD-Apply (nwas.nhs.uk) for further details.

Search for a CPD module
Please do not include the S1/S2 suffix that is attached to your module code – for example to search for HEA3177S1A – please use HEA3177 including the first three letters followed by numbers.