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Safe from Harm HEA4501


This module has been designed in partnership with Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust to support staff in the development of knowledge pertaining to patient safety and the prevention from harm. The module aims to equip staff, as part of the wider multidisciplinary workforce, with a deeper appreciation of national drivers in patient safety and local ‘safe from harm’ initiatives, including governance and quality which have the potential to impact upon care with the intention of applying knowledge and understanding to practice to keep patients ‘Safe From Harm’. It also seeks to develop staff in acknowledging common risks in practice, planning their avoidance and managing risk to avoid complication through appropriate action planning.

Module code:HEA4501
Module credits:20
Cost for new students:£1000 per module for 2024 / 2025 academic year

If your tuition fee is being paid by a sponsor or you are a sponsor paying a student’s fee, you are required to send a copy of a purchase order to

For further guidance please visit: Sponsored students – Edge Hill University

Who is this module for?

This module is applicable to the full range of registered practitioners who seek to extend their expertise in recognising avoiding and addressing Safe from Harm incidents.

What are the key aims of the module?

The module aims to support and develop students to:

  • Appraise macro, meso and micro drivers in patient in a specific area of practice.
  • Critically reflect upon patient safety incidents in order to minimise risk and disseminate understanding and minimise reoccurrence.
  • Synthesise impacts of human factors on patient safety.
  • Evaluate the principles of risk assessment in a practice context.

How will I study?

You will be required to attend five face to face sessions at Liverpool Heart and Chest NHS Trust Hospital.

What will I study?

  • Factors that contribute to patient safety
  • Cause/nature of patient harm
  • Pathways of care for the four harms – pressure ulcers, falls, CA-UTI’s and VTE
  • Models for improvement
  • National drivers in patient safety
  • Safe from harm initiatives
  • Safeguarding (patients and staff)
  • Human factors and ergonomics
  • Risk stratification and risk management
  • Patient incidences – Incident reporting
  • Action planning to avoid risk
  • Communication in risk management Human factors
  • Medicines safety
  • Blood and blood products safety
  • Never events
  • Hospital acquired infection
  • Medical devices
  • Quality improvements/initiatives
  • Critical analytical reflection.

How will I be assessed?

The assessment for this module is in two parts, as such students will be required to :-
1. Verbally present (20 mins) a safe from harm case with focus upon the human factors and evaluation of risk assessment principles.
2. Produce a 2000 word critical analysis of a safe from harm event with specific focus the related drivers, risks and impacts to generate an action plan.

On successful completion you will:

Appraise the drivers related to Safe from Harm, critically analyse patient safety incidents, disseminate understanding of risk, synthesise the impacts of human factors and evaluate risk assessment in practice.

Study dates and venues

Venue: Liverpool Heart and Chest NHS Trust

Starts: Friday 14 February 2025

Session times:

  • Friday 14th February 2025
  • Thursday 27th February 2025
  • Wednesday 12th March 2025
  • Wednesday 26th March 2025
  • Wednesday 9th April 2025

How to apply

For details of how to apply, please visit the apply page.

If you have any other queries about studying with us, please complete the online enquiry form.

Contact us

For further module information, please contact Module Co-ordinator:

Justine Brislen, Clinical Programme Lead
Email: .
Tel: 0151 600 1686

Delyth Hargreaves, Academic Programme Lead
Tel: 0151 529 2190

For any other queries, you can contact the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health on
