Publication Scheme
Welcome to Edge Hill University’s Publication Scheme. The purpose of the scheme is to proactively ensure a significant amount of information is publicly available, without the need for the submission of FOI requests. The scheme is a guide to the information the University intends to publish routinely to comply with its obligation under the Freedom of Information Act.
You have the right, under the Freedom of Information Act, to request any information held which has not already been made available through this publication scheme. Whilst the University will endeavour to be as helpful as possible in providing access to information, the University reserves the right to make a charge to cover any costs incurred in providing information in alternative formats. Requests have to be made in writing although it is to be noted that the University is not required to release information to which an exemption legitimately applies.
It is important that this publication scheme meets your needs. Should you find the scheme difficult to understand or you are unhappy with the service that you have received please let us know.
Who we are and what we do
The University aspires to maintain current data regarding organisational information, location and contact details along with details on constitutional and legal governance. This section covers information relating to the way the institution is governed. It includes information relating to the executive and senior staffing, with lists of academic/non-academic departments.
What we spend and how we spend it
Information on the University’s strategy and management of financial resources can be found via the links below. Information which is deemed prejudicial to the University’s commercial interests will be excluded from publication, in accordance with Section 43 (2) of the Freedom of Information Act.
Priorities and decision-making
This section includes strategy and performance information, audit, inspection and review information.
How we make decisions
Information relating to the University’s decision-making processes. Additional minutes of meetings will normally be provided on request, subject to consideration of issues such as commercial sensitivity or the protection of personal information.
Our policies and procedures
This section contains information and links relating to current written protocols for delivering the University’s services and responsibilities.
Most of our policies and procedures can be found on the corporate information section of the website.
Lists and registers
- Asset Register (Financial Reports)
- Degree ceremonies
- Senior staff Declaration of Interest
- University publications
The services that we offer
Information about services which are offered by the University can be found across the University’s website.
The copyright in this publication scheme and its contents is reserved to Edge Hill University.