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Facts and figures

Key performance indicators

Year Ending 31 July20232022202120202019201820172016
Total income in £'000143,879132,988130,100119,296123,774126,231127,365128,127
Surplus (defecit) for re-investment in £'0003,805(3,686)8,402(1,119)95413,98520,25421,637
Cash generated by activities in £'00014,65215,84822,94610,48118,49724,93131,71131,699
Cash for investment £'00092,12080,53568,05648,35648,26545,17749,80338,073
Financial worth of the University in £'000348,104284,641193,128177,581214,026228,655194,749171,240
Applications for University FT UG programmes (1)16,13117,45317,28615,58515,11616,12518,03519,767
Total number of students of the University (2)15,29914,43614,57613,54014,07514,25615,22015,543
Percentage of staff who rate the University as a good or excellent employer (3)n/an/an/an/an/a91%n/a93%
Employee turnover (4)8.7%10.7%6.7%6.2%6.6%6.7%6.8%6.6%
Level of University staff absence4%5.1%3%3.5%3.2%3.1%2.9%3.6%
(1) Based on UCAS statistics
(2) Based on HESA Student Record
(3) From the University's independently scrutinised Staff Survey, with the exception of 2020 where the survey was replaced with pulse surveys following the outbreak of Covid-19
(4) Based on establishment employees who left for any reason

Financial report and accounts

Access the full report and accounts documents for the University.