Monitoring and review

Annual monitoring and periodic review are two mechanisms that ensure the continuing standards and quality of its academic provision as defined by UK Quality Code for higher education as well as Office for Students’ Regulatory Framework for higher education in England.
Annual monitoring
Our departmental annual monitoring process provides intelligence on the current health of all validated programmes by using key performance indicators such as programme performance data, external examiner reports and student surveys including the National Student Survey to identify areas for development as well as highlighting good practice.
Curriculum review
Curriculum review is five-yearly review of an academic department’s taught degrees at both programme and module-level (or year of study if non-modular). The purpose of Curriculum Review is to establish that the curriculum is being actively refreshed and remains up-to-date and coherent; and to confirm that each programme’s award title, aims and learning outcomes remain valid and achievable. Successful curriculum review confers continuing approval of the programmes until the next scheduled review.
Further guidance
Guidance on the process and documentation requirements for annual monitoring and periodic review is available in chapter 3 of the Quality Management Handbook. These processes take account of the Quality Assurance Agency’s (QAA) Advice and Guidance on Monitoring and Evaluation which supports the UK Quality Code for higher education.