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RE Subject Network Hub

Edge Hill is a unique place to study RE and Religion. In most universities, TRS courses and RE courses are often found in separate faculties. At Edge Hill, we work together in the same department, and most of the staff are in the same office. This means we are uniquely placed to teach about and research the intersection of religion, education and RE.

We also work with serving teachers of RE to help develop their subject expertise. We do this largely through our online Continuing Professional Development (CPD offer, our Annual NATRE NW Conference, and our Religious Education Summer School.


We also offer a range of Postgraduate Development courses with many opportunities for those working or seeking to work in education or health and social care.

We also work with serving teachers of RE to help develop their subject expertise. We do this largely through our online CPD offer, our Annual NATRE NW Conference and our Religious Education Summer School.

Early Career Teacher useful links

Early Career Teacher links

Previous events

Dr Karamat Iqbal – British Pakistani Boys in Birmingham

Matthew Pateman – Contrary to Popular Mythology; atheism, humanism and the fiction of religion in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

NATRE NW Conference

Edge Hill annually holds the NW Conference for Initial Teacher Education RE trainees and their mentors, run by NATRE. This year’s event is on Friday 15 December and we are once again welcoming Lat Blaylock to host the event.


Members of the Team are actively researching different aspects of Religion, Education and RE. Open the expanding box below to see a selection of recent articles, books and chapters that we have published since 2022.
