Timetable and Student Calendar FAQs
Module and course timetables
Edge Hill Student Calendar is our portal for teaching timetables.
Use a full-sized screen for best functionality. On smaller devices, always use landscape mode.
All timetables are subject to change. Check for updates regularly and follow advice from your department.
Faculty of Arts & Sciences and Faculty of Education students only:
Module timetables: make sure the ‘Type’ is set to ‘Modules‘ and then start typing the module code into the ‘Resource(s)’ search bar.
Select the module you are looking for and the timetable will appear for the current week. You may need to change the dates if teaching has not started yet.
Course timetables: change ‘Type’ to ‘Courses’ and then start typing the course title into the ‘Resource(s)’ search bar.
Select the course you are looking for and the timetable will appear for the current week. You may need to change the dates if teaching has not started yet.
Here are the semester dates for the current and future academic years.
Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine students:
We are still working on adding your module and course timetables to the site. Please check your Blackboard pages or contact your department for further information:
- Nursing/Operating Department Practice (ODP)/Midwifery: [email protected]
- Allied Health: [email protected]
- Social Work & Wellbeing: [email protected]
- Medical School: [email protected]
Student Calendar automatically shows the current day/week/month, so you might need to scroll forward to find when teaching begins. Here are the semester dates for the current and future academic years.
If you have checked the appropriate dates and are still unable to see any bookings, please email us on [email protected] and we will look into it.
- On the left-hand side, there are two arrows allowing you to scroll through consecutive months/weeks/days/lists. There is also a ‘Today’ button, which takes you to today’s date.
- In the centre, it shows the date being shown currently. If you click on this date, you can choose a specific year and month.
- On the right-hand side, there are four different view options: month, week and list. The list gives all bookings for a particular week (if you are using your phone or a device with a smaller screen, we recommend using landscape mode, as the month and week views are not available in portrait.).
We aim to release provisional module and course schedules for semester one by A Level results day.
Semester two timetable are released by the end of November.
Please note that timetables may change following publication. We recommend you check back regularly, but your department should also notify you regarding any late and last-minute changes.
Personalised timetables are available within 24 hours of enrolling. For more information on enrolment dates, please see the Enrolment Team’s information pages.
Buildings can be identified by the room number prefix as follows:
Key | Building |
B | Business School |
Bio | BioSciences |
CE | Creative Edge |
CSSC | Clinical Skills Simulation Centre |
FoEL | Faculty of Education Lakeside |
FoEP | Faculty of Education Piazza |
GEO | GeoSciences |
H | Health, Social Care and Medicine |
Hub | Main (upstairs – above hot food counter) |
LP | Law & Psychology |
M | Main (upstairs – above Main Reception) |
PA | Performing Arts |
SC | Sports Centre |
TH | Tech Hub |
W | Wilson Centre |
For more information, please see the below links to maps and the virtual campus tour:
Ormskirk campus mapVirtual tourStudent timetables (personalised timetables)
We are currently working on a project for all students to have fully-personalised timetables available from the point of enrolment. We have rolled this out to six departments so far, but we will be rolling it out further in the near future.
This is a massive task and we want to make sure we do it right, so we are sorry if your department has not been included yet.
In the meantime, all Faculty of Arts & Sciences and Faculty of Education students can log in and view a semi-personalised timetable, showing their six modules only, although not fully-personalised down to seminar level. Seminar information will be given by your individual department.
Business School, History, Geography & Social Sciences, Law, Criminology & Policing, Primary Education, Psychology and Social Work & Wellbeing students only:
Once you are fully enrolled, you can log in at the top right. Your timetable should appear automatically.
You may need to change the dates if teaching has not started yet. Take a look at the semester dates for the current and future academic years.
This timetable will show bookings for all the modules you are registered on for the current academic year. You should attend all sessions on your timetable.
If any modules are missing or if there is a timetable clash, email [email protected]. If you have any questions about your timetable, contact your department.
All other Faculty of Arts & Sciences and Faculty of Education students:
Once you are fully enrolled, you can log in at the top right. Your timetable should appear automatically.
You may need to change the dates if teaching has not started yet. Take a look at the semester dates for the current and future academic years.
This timetable will show bookings for all the modules you are registered on for the current academic year. You should attend all lectures (blue coloured) and all lecture/seminars (turquoise coloured) bookings and your department will let know which of the seminars/practicals/workshops that you need to attend.
All other Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine Students:
We are still working on adding your module and course timetables to the site. Please check your Blackboard pages or contact your department for further information:
- Nursing/Operating Department Practice/Midwifery: [email protected]
- Allied Health: [email protected]
- Medical School: [email protected]
Your timetable will become available within 24 hours of enrolling. Please note all students need to enrol for each year of study. If you have any questions about this, please email the Enrolment Team: [email protected].
If you have definitely completed enrolment, you may need to change the date you are looking at, as the website automatically shows you the current week. Take a look at the semester dates for the current and future academic years.
If you are unsure if you are enrolled or if it is still appearing as blank, please email us on [email protected] and we will check your status.
Please email us on [email protected] with your name, student number and the module code or title and we will look into the issue as soon as possible.
It may be a problem with our bookings or it might be your student record needs updating. Either way we will try to fix it as soon as we can.
Sometimes, due to circumstances outside of our control, we may need to change teaching bookings. We try to keep such changes to a minimum, but we recommend you check back regularly. Your department should keep you informed of any last-minute changes.
Timetables sync with your Student Record every 12 hours at 2am and 2pm, so please give it a little time to catch up.
If it has not updated after 24 hours, please get in touch with our team.
Unfortunately, this is not currently possible.
I have further questions
Please email our team on [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.