Research projects
The following projects illustrate our commitment to and enactment of our research strategy.
Visualising opportunities: inclusion for children, education and society (Voices_Ed) is an international research collective funded by Edge Hill University investigating inclusion.
Resistance stories: Telling and sharing stories about children’s right to play
Our research project is in partnership with the Froebel Trust who are a charity that funds research into education and learning in the early years of childhood. In our project, we are looking at how educators enable children’s play through resisting more formal approaches to learning.
This project will seek to define and understand these ‘acts of resistance’ which have to date been under-researched in how they are enacted. From understanding how materials, time and space is made for children to play, this project aims to contribute to our knowledge of early childhood practices that are resistant to formalisation.
Transforming lives
To understand and provide evidence of how the further education (FE) sector is vital in transforming lives and communities in 21st Century Britain.
Britishness, identity and belonging
Examining the perceptions of teachers, pupils, trainee teachers and teacher educators.
Every Child Counts
For children who need help with mathematics. Every Child Counts helps schools to raise achievement through:
- a range of programmes to support children who struggle with mathematics
- developing high quality teaching approaches for all children.