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This money matters guide outlines the tuition fees and financial support arrangements for UK students joining a PGCE at Edge Hill University between August 2024 and July 2025.

On this page you can find out what student funding you may qualify for and how to apply for it. We encourage you to explore all potential sources of additional funding to maximise payment support.

If you already hold Qualified Teacher Status and join a PGCE, you will not be eligible for Government funding.

PGCE tuition fees

If you are a prospective UK student joining a PGCE at Edge Hill University between August 2024 and July 2025, the tuition fee will be £9,250. From September 2025, the tuition fee will be £9,535 a year.

Eligible students will not pay upfront for their tuition and can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan to cover the cost of course fees.

primary school children sat on carpet in classroom


PGCE Loans are subject to different financial arrangements and eligibility criteria depending on whether you are domiciled in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. The information below applies to eligible students domiciled in England only.

If you are domiciled in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, you should consult the website of the relevant funding body:

Tuition Fee Loans
Maintenance Loans
Repaying your loan
Alternative funding
Religious faith


Tutor assisting student with writing on the whiteboard.

Department for Education bursaries

If you are joining selected Secondary PGCEs, you may be eligible to receive a Department for Education bursary.

For academic year 2025/26, the bursary scheme is based on your:

  • teacher training subject and degree classification, or,
  • the highest relevant academic qualification achieved.
Further information on Department for Education bursaries

Further Education (FE) Initial Teacher Education (ITE) bursaries

If you are joining a PGCE for specific subjects, you may be eligible to receive an FE ITE bursary.

Find further details on availability and eligibility criteria with the FE ITE bursaries funding manual


Three students walk along a path on the Edge Hill University campus with the accommodation building behind them

Edge Hill University offers scholarships which reward excellence from prospective full-time PGCE students.

You can also take advantage of career enhancing opportunities by applying for financial support from our Student Opportunity Fund. This fund is available to support both eligible full-time and part-time students.

Find more information on the full range of scholarships, including eligibility criteria for each award.

Sports scholarships

Teacher training scholarships

If you are a UK student joining a PGCE in one of the following subjects, you may be eligible to apply for a Teacher training scholarship from the relevant professional body.

  • Secondary Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Secondary Mathematics
  • Secondary Science (Chemistry)
  • Secondary Science (Physics)

These prestigious awards are for graduates who are passionate about their subject and have the potential to be inspirational teachers.

To receive a Teacher training scholarship, you must qualify for financial support under the Student Finance England criteria. Residents of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will need to qualify for support as set out by the relevant funding body.

  • Course: PGCE Secondary Mathematics with QTS (11-16)
  • Value: £31,000
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be considered for an IMA Scholarship, you will need (or be expected to achieve) a first class or 2:1 honours degree, or postgraduate degree, with strong mathematical content. If you have a 2:2 honours degree with strong mathematical content, you are still encouraged to apply if you can also demonstrate significant relevant professional experience. If you have a degree in another subject but are looking to complete a subject knowledge enhancement course of at least 20 weeks in mathematics, you are also welcome to submit an application.
  • Further information: Visit for full information about this scholarship.
  • Course: PGCE Secondary Science (Chemistry) with QTS (11-16)
  • Value: £31,000
  • Eligibility criteria: To be considered for an RSC Scholarship, you will need (or be expected to achieve) a first class or 2:1 honours degree in Chemistry or a related subject. If you have a 2:2 honours degree in Chemistry or a related subject, you are still encouraged to apply if you can also demonstrate significant professional experience and/or subject knowledge.
  • Further information: Visit for full information about this scholarship.
  • Course: PGCE Secondary Science (Physics) with QTS (11-16)
  • Value: £31,000
  • Eligibility criteria: To be considered for an IOP Scholarship, you will need (or be expected to achieve) a first class or 2:1 honours degree, or postgraduate degree, in Physics or a related subject. If you have a 2:2 honours degree in Physics or a related subject, you are still encouraged to apply if you can also demonstrate significant professional experience.
  • Further information: Visit for full information about this scholarship.

Disabled students’ allowance

You will not have access to a grant that contributes towards your living costs. However, if you have a disability or specific learning difficulty, you may be eligible for support to meet your individual needs. Find out more through the Government’s Disabled Students’ Allowance.

Disabled Students’ Allowances are worth up to £26,948 for eligible students in academic year 2024/25. These allowances help with the cost of specialist equipment, extra travel costs, or other support necessary to enable your studies.

If you feel you have a support requirement, we encourage you to arrange a chat with our Inclusive Services team.

Catalyst help desk talking to two students.

Further guidance

Contact us