This money matters guide outlines the tuition fees and financial support arrangements for UK students joining a PGCE at Edge Hill University between August 2024 and July 2025.
On this page you can find out what student funding you may qualify for and how to apply for it. We encourage you to explore all potential sources of additional funding to maximise payment support.
If you already hold Qualified Teacher Status and join a PGCE, you will not be eligible for Government funding.
The information on these pages may be subject to change and excludes Lead Partner delivery trainees for whom financial support arrangements may vary.
PGCE tuition fees
If you are a prospective UK student joining a PGCE at Edge Hill University between August 2024 and July 2025, the tuition fee will be £9,250. From September 2025, the tuition fee will be £9,535 a year.
Eligible students will not pay upfront for their tuition and can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan to cover the cost of course fees.
PGCE Loans are subject to different financial arrangements and eligibility criteria depending on whether you are domiciled in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. The information below applies to eligible students domiciled in England only.
If you are domiciled in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, you should consult the website of the relevant funding body:
You will be able to borrow the full cost of your tuition fee from the Government in the form of a Tuition Fee Loan (subject to eligibility).
You must have submitted a GOV.UK teacher training application before you can apply for loans and grants from the Government. We recommend applying for financial support earlier on, ensuring your application is received and processed in good time.
The funding application process for English-domiciled students is as follows:
You make your application online to Student Finance England. Please note, for PGCE or Postgraduate Teacher Training student finance purposes, please apply as if you were an undergraduate student rather than for postgraduate funding.
After you have applied for student funding, you will be able to manage your account online.
Following the assessment of your application, you will receive a Student Finance Entitlement Letter. This will outline the support you have applied for and what you can expect to receive. You can also view this online.
If the financial support outlined in your Student Finance Entitlement Letter is not what you anticipated, you can contact us for advice.
Maintenance Loans are available to eligible students joining a PGCE or Postgraduate Teacher Training course.
Available to help with living costs such as food, accommodation and travel.
The amount of Maintenance Loan you can apply for is determined by your household income. It is also determined by additional factors such as where you are going to live while you are studying.
Usually paid in three instalments, directly to your bank or building society account.
You start repaying the total of your student loans from the April after you have completed your course. This is subject to you earning above the current repayment threshold for PGCEs and Postgraduate Teacher Training courses, which is £25,000.
The amount you repay links to your income. Each year, you will expect to repay 9% of your income that is above £25,000. If your income falls below the repayment threshold, you will not have to make repayments until your income rises above this threshold again.
Depending on your circumstances, you may qualify for additional financial support from the Government, including:
Adult Dependants’ Grant – means-tested support of up to £3,438 a year if you have to care for an adult dependant. This is someone who is not your grown-up child (subject to eligibility).
Childcare Grant – means-tested support designed to contribute up to 85% towards your childcare costs. If you have a dependent child/children in the care of an Ofsted-registered childcare provider while you study, you may qualify for this grant. Childcare grants for academic year 2024/25 are worth up to a maximum of £193.62 per week for one child only. This goes up to £331.95 per week for two or more children (subject to eligibility).
Parents’ Learning Allowance – means-tested support of up to £1,963 a year if you have children who are wholly or mainly financially dependent on you.
Religious faith
Taking out student loans and paying the required inflation-based interest is an issue for some students and could be prohibited for religious reasons.
The Government is working towards an alternative Sharia-compliant student finance package for these circumstances. The suggested alternative financial product would result in identical graduate repayments to the current student loan system but would not be interest based.
Further details will come from the Government. In the meantime, you may find it useful to contact a local Imam to discuss Sharia-compliant finance if you have any concerns.
Secondary English – £5,000 with a first class, 2:1 or 2:2 honours degree, or if you have successfully completed a PhD or Masters award.
Secondary Geography – £26,000 with a first class, 2:1 or 2:2 honours degree, or if you have successfully completed a PhD or Masters award.
Secondary Mathematics – £29,000 with a first class, 2:1 or 2:2 honours degree, or if you have successfully completed a PhD or Masters award.
Secondary Religious Education – £10,000 with a first class, 2:1 or 2:2 honours degree, or if you have successfully completed a PhD or Masters award.
Secondary Science (Biology) – £26,000 with a first class, 2:1 or 2:2 honours degree, or if you have successfully completed a PhD or Masters award.
Secondary Science (Chemistry) – £29,000 with a first class, 2:1 or 2:2 honours degree, or if you have successfully completed a PhD or Masters award.
Secondary Science (Physics) – £29,000 with a first class, 2:1 or 2:2 honours degree, or if you have successfully completed a PhD or Masters award.
To be eligible, you must provide evidence that you qualify for financial support under the Student Finance England criteria. If you aren’t taking out a Tuition Fee or Maintenance Loan, you must still prove your eligibility for student finance. We recommend that you still apply for funding with Student Finance England (or equivalent funding body) in these circumstances. In this instance, you should request a £0 Tuition Fee Loan and a £0 Maintenance Loan.
Our Bursary Team will check approved applications and liaise with funding bodies like Student Finance England to check individuals’ eligibility. Without an application approval at the start of the course, this may impact your eligibility for this bursary. It can also also cause delays with payments.
If your undergraduate degree or postgraduate course combines two subjects, for example English and history, at least 50% of the course content must be in your intended PGCE subject to be eligible for a bursary.
There are no Department for Education bursaries for students joining PGCEs in Primary Early Years, Primary Education, Primary Mathematics Specialist, Primary Physical Education Specialist, Secondary History or Secondary Physical Education in academic year 2025/26.
Edge Hill University offers scholarships which reward excellence from prospective full-time PGCE students.
You can also take advantage of career enhancing opportunities by applying for financial support from our Student Opportunity Fund. This fund is available to support both eligible full-time and part-time students.
Sports Scholarships, worth up to £1,000, reward talent, achievement and dedication in sport and help to enhance your sporting performance.
Teacher training scholarships
If you are a UK student joining a PGCE in one of the following subjects, you may be eligible to apply for a Teacher training scholarship from the relevant professional body.
Secondary Computer Science and Information Technology
Secondary Mathematics
Secondary Science (Chemistry)
Secondary Science (Physics)
These prestigious awards are for graduates who are passionate about their subject and have the potential to be inspirational teachers.
To receive a Teacher training scholarship, you must qualify for financial support under the Student Finance England criteria. Residents of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will need to qualify for support as set out by the relevant funding body.
Trainees who are awarded a Teacher Training Scholarship by a subject association group will not be eligible to also receive a Department for Education bursary.
Eligibility criteria: To be considered for a BCS Scholarship, you will need (or be expected to achieve) a first class, 2:1 or 2:2 honours degree, in computer science or a related subject.
Further Information: Visit for full information about this scholarship.
Eligibility Criteria: To be considered for an IMA Scholarship, you will need (or be expected to achieve) a first class or 2:1 honours degree, or postgraduate degree, with strong mathematical content. If you have a 2:2 honours degree with strong mathematical content, you are still encouraged to apply if you can also demonstrate significant relevant professional experience. If you have a degree in another subject but are looking to complete a subject knowledge enhancement course of at least 20 weeks in mathematics, you are also welcome to submit an application.
Eligibility criteria: To be considered for an RSC Scholarship, you will need (or be expected to achieve) a first class or 2:1 honours degree in Chemistry or a related subject. If you have a 2:2 honours degree in Chemistry or a related subject, you are still encouraged to apply if you can also demonstrate significant professional experience and/or subject knowledge.
Further information: Visit for full information about this scholarship.
Eligibility criteria: To be considered for an IOP Scholarship, you will need (or be expected to achieve) a first class or 2:1 honours degree, or postgraduate degree, in Physics or a related subject. If you have a 2:2 honours degree in Physics or a related subject, you are still encouraged to apply if you can also demonstrate significant professional experience.
Further information: Visit for full information about this scholarship.
Disabled students’ allowance
You will not have access to a grant that contributes towards your living costs. However, if you have a disability or specific learning difficulty, you may be eligible for support to meet your individual needs. Find out more through the Government’s Disabled Students’ Allowance.
Disabled Students’ Allowances are worth up to £26,948 for eligible students in academic year 2024/25. These allowances help with the cost of specialist equipment, extra travel costs, or other support necessary to enable your studies.
If you feel you have a support requirement, we encourage you to arrange a chat with our Inclusive Services team.