Money matters
Full-time undergraduate medicine students 2024/25 entry
This money matters guide outlines tuition fee arrangements for UK students joining the MBChB Medicine and MBChB Medicine with Foundation Year programmes. This guide is for those joining these programmes at Edge Hill University between August 2024 and July 2025.
On this page you can find out what student funding you may qualify for and how to apply for it. We encourage you to explore all potential sources of additional funding to maximise payment support.
Exceptions may apply if you have enrolled on previous higher education study (at level 4 or level 5). This applies if you didn’t achieve a qualification, or if the course you are joining is of an equivalent or lower level to a previous qualification.
Please note, the information on these pages may be subject to change. If you are joining any other full-time undergraduate programme in academic year 2024/25, you should refer to our money matters guide for full-time undergraduate students (excluding Medicine).
Full-time undergraduate medicine degree tuition fees
If you are a prospective UK student joining Edge Hill in September 2024, the tuition fee will be £9,250 a year. From September 2025, the tuition fee will be £9,535 a year.
The University may administer a small inflationary rise in tuition fees as you progress through the course. This will be in line with Government policies.
Eligible students can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan to cover the cost of their first four years of study. For the final year of MBChB Medicine and the final two years of the MBChB Medicine with Foundation Year, your course fees are paid in full by the relevant funding agency.
Full-time undergraduate medicine student loans are subject to different financial arrangements and eligibility criteria. The information below applies to eligible students domiciled in England only.
If you reside in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, please consult the relevant funding body for further information:
You will be able to borrow the full cost of your tuition fee from the Government in the form of a Tuition Fee Loan for the first four years of study (subject to eligibility).
Tuition fees for the final year of the MBChB Medicine and the final two years of the MBChB Medicine with Foundation Year are currently paid in full by the relevant funding agency. This will be The National Health Service (NHS) for students from England and Wales, The Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) for students from Scotland, and The Department of Health (DoH) for students from Northern Ireland.
MBChB Medicine
Years 1-4: Tuition Fee Loan for the first four years of study.
Year 5: Course fees paid in full by the relevant agency.
MBChB Medicine with Foundation Year
Years 1-4: Tuition Fee Loan for the Foundation Year plus the first three years of the MBChB Medicine.
Years 5-6: Course fees paid in full by the relevant funding agency.
Maintenance Loans are available to eligible new full-time students joining an undergraduate degree or integrated Masters degree.
Available to help with living costs such as food, accommodation and travel.
Your household income determines the amount of Maintenance Loan you can apply for. Additional factors such as where you are going to live while you are studying also influence this amount.
Usually paid in three instalments, directly to your bank or building society account.
You start repaying the total of your student loans from the April after you have completed your course. This is subject to you earning above the current repayment threshold for full-time undergraduate degrees, which is £25,000.
The amount you repay links to your income. Each year you will expect to repay 9% of your income that is above the repayment threshold. If your income falls below the repayment threshold, for any reason, you will not have to make repayments until your income rises above this threshold again.
For the final year of study on MBChB Medicine, and the final two years of study on MBChB Medicine with Foundation Year, students domiciled in England or Wales can apply for a non-means tested NHS Grant of £1,000 a year.
Depending on your circumstances, you may qualify for additional financial support from the Government, including:
Adult Dependants’ Grant – means-tested support of up to £3,438 a year if you have to care for an adult dependant. This is someone who is not your grown-up child (subject to eligibility).
Childcare Grant – means-tested support designed to contribute up to 85% towards your childcare costs. If you have a dependent child/children in the care of an Ofsted-registered childcare provider while you study, you may qualify for this grant. Childcare grants for academic year 2024/25 are worth up to a maximum of £193.62 per week for one child only. This goes up to £331.95 per week for two or more children (subject to eligibility).
Parents’ Learning Allowance – means-tested support of up to £1,963 a year if you have children who are wholly or mainly financially dependent on you.
Please note, the above amounts apply to Years 1-4 of MBChB Medicine and MBChB Medicine with Foundation Year. For Year 5 of MBChB Medicine and Years 5-6 of MBChB Medicine with Foundation Year, similar grants are likely to be available. However, these would be funded by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) and grant amounts may vary.
Religious faith
Taking out student loans and paying the required inflation-based interest is an issue for some students and could be prohibited for religious reasons.
The Government is working towards an alternative Sharia-compliant student finance package for these circumstances. The suggested alternative financial product would result in identical graduate repayments to the current student loan system but would not be interest based.
Further details will come from the Government. In the meantime, you may find it useful to contact a local Imam to discuss Sharia-compliant finance if you have any concerns.
For the final year of study on MBChB Medicine, and the final two years of study on MBChB Medicine with Foundation Year, you may be eligible to apply for a means-tested NHS Bursary.
In the case of you studying on a medicine course, you may have to attend clinical placements. Student finance regulations treat placements as university study and assess this as full attendance with eligibility for full fees. Moreover, you will be eligible to apply for a travel grant.
Student Finance will issue the claim travel expenses for clinical study (CLEX) form to them If the application is means-tested. This does not apply to NHS Bursary years.
Edge Hill University offers scholarships which reward excellence from prospective full-time undergraduate students.
You can take advantage of career enhancing opportunities by applying for financial support from our Student Opportunity Fund.
Sports Scholarships, worth up to £1,000 per academic year, reward talent, achievement and dedication in sport and are designed to enhance your sporting performance.
Student Support Fund
The Student Support Fund provides non-repayable discretionary awards and emergency support to assist students in financial difficulty, who might otherwise be at risk of leaving their courses because of financial hardship.
An application is required, and a means test of your income and certain expenses for the academic year is carried out to determine whether you qualify for an award. If you qualify, you won’t have to pay back the money you receive. This funding may be of particular interest to those in years 5-6 of the MBChB Medicine.
You will not have access to a grant that contributes towards your living costs. However, if you have a disability or specific learning difficulty, you may be eligible for support to meet your individual needs. Find out more through the Government’s Disabled Students’ Allowance.
Disabled Students’ Allowances are worth up to £26,948 for eligible students in academic year 2024/25. These allowances help with the cost of specialist equipment, extra travel costs, or other support necessary to enable your studies.
If you feel you have a support requirement, we encourage you to arrange a chat with our Inclusive Services team.