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A student guide directs a mature student on an Edge Hill Open Day.
5 ways to prepare for university as a mature student

If you’ve applied to Edge Hill University as a mature student, you are not alone. Over half of mature students nationally are aged between 21 and 24, and around 40 per cent are over 30. So why wait until you start your course to prepare for your academic journey? We have all the tools you need to support your transition into university life.

1. Develop your academic skills

We have a wealth of online resources to help you develop your academic skills, so you can feel more confident when you return to the classroom.

Four students attend a UniSkills session focused on Academic Integrity and Referencing.


UniSkills offer online workshops including pre-entry sessions that focus on improving digital skills and navigating Edge Hill’s resources.

View the UniSkills workshops

Returning to Learning

Join UniSkills’ Returning to Learning face-to-face summer sessions, which are designed specifically for students re-entering academia.

Course reading lists

Get prepared by familiarising yourself with your course reading list before the new semester. Second-hand copies of your assigned texts can be found in local charity shops and through websites such as eBay, AbeBooks, and Amazon. Once you have access to your student card, you can check out Catalyst’s item availability using DiscoverMore.

2. Find out what support’s available for mature students

Below, we’ve included a range of support available at Edge Hill to help you prepare for life as a mature student.

Widening Access and Student Success

Get in touch with the Widening Access and Participation Team, Edge Hill’s dedicated source for mature student support. The team are here to guide you through your transition into University. They offer bespoke sessions covering topics from returning to higher education to applying for Student Finance.

Funding and finance

At Edge Hill, we are dedicated to breaking barriers to education. Whatever your circumstances, you can find a variety of financial support options on our dedicated webpages.

Postgraduate mature student financeFastrack FundFinancial support for students with children

Childcare options

If you are a parent, you can find childcare options in the West Lancashire area on the Lancashire County Council website.

Disability and inclusion

You are not obliged to make a disability disclosure if you don’t feel comfortable doing so. However, disability disclosures are confidential and enable us to make any necessary adjustments to support your needs when you come to University. Discover the support available to students with a disability – from Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) to reasonable adjustments on our inclusion webpage.

3. Meet other mature students

When you join Edge Hill, you become part of a diverse community of students and staff. In fact, a third of undergraduate students nationally are mature students, and there is lots of opportunity to connect with like-minded people of all ages and backgrounds on campus.

Three students sitting next to each other in Catalyst on computers talking.

EHU Mature Students’ Society

You needn’t wait until your first semester to make new connections. You can join the EHU Mature Students’ Society on Facebook and Instagram and chat to peers from across the University:

The Access Platform (TAP)

Through The Access Platform (TAP), you can watch blogs and vlogs created by Edge Hill students so you can learn more about the University experience. You can also chat to current mature students and ask them any questions you may have about your time at University.

Mature student spotlight

Michelle is a mature student and Fastrack alumni in her second year studying BSc (Hons) Business & Management with Leisure & Tourism. Michelle is keen to chat to other mature students, parents, and those with hearing impairments. You can get in touch with Michelle directly via the TAP platform.

4. Familiarise yourself with the campus

The Rock Garden near Edge Hill's Faculty of Health and The Arts Centre. It shows fir trees, lots of flowers and blue skies.

We are a family friendly University and our campus is open to the public, so those closest to you are always welcome. You can bring family and supporters to one of our open days, where you can attend our sessions for mature students and explore our stunning 160-acre campus.

When you’re on campus, make the most of Edge Hill’s relaxing green space, assorted food options and range of sports facilities. You can find a copy of the Edge Hill campus map online.

5. Get excited

University is about more than education; it is an experience that many treasure for a lifetime.

Perhaps you’re coming to Edge Hill to study a subject you’re passionate about or you’re looking to kickstart or enhance your career. Whatever your reason for returning to study, this is your time to reconnect with your inner student and confidently begin the next chapter in your life.

April 21, 2023


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