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Meet the team

Hello, we are the Student Engagement team – but you may know us better as UniSkills! We are the people you’ll meet (in real life and online) through various support channels, including one-to-one appointments and workshops, as we help you develop your academic skills while studying at Edge Hill University.

Hopefully you’ve had opportunity to explore our wider support, and have an idea of what we do, so this is your chance to find out more about the team.

Head of Student Engagement | Helen Jamieson

Helen has worked in Higher Education (HE) for over 25 years and began leading the Student Engagement in 2017. Helen particularly enjoys using quantitative and qualitative data to critically evaluate and improve the UniSkills service provision and plan new student-centred academic skills interventions.

“I feel lucky to manage a team of staff who put the student at the heart of everything we offer.”

Helen Jamieson
Helen Jamieson

Student Engagement and Communications Manager | Julie Nolan

Joining Edge Hill in 2015, Julie oversees the operational management of the Student Engagement team. She is responsible for student engagement initiatives, events and campaigns including welcome, induction and transitional support. Julie is also the strategic lead on student communications for the three Catalyst Services: Library and Learning Services, Student Services and Careers.

“I love learning more about students and helping to make their university journey unforgettable!”

Julie Nolan
Julie Nolan

Senior Academic Skills Advisor | Claire Olson

Claire joined Edge Hill University in 2016 and has since supported hundreds of students who have struggled with their academic writing. She finds great satisfaction when a student suddenly grasps criticality or reflection and can apply it to their work successfully. Claire is also passionate about building academic resilience and the impact this can have on student success.

“I am always excited to experience the buzz of a new academic term and supporting students to develop the skills they need to succeed.”

Claire Olson
Claire Olson Headshot
Claire Olson

Academic Skills Advisors

Helen Briscoe

Helen Briscoe

Helen has been part of the Student Engagement team since 2018, and has worked at Edge Hill for over 20 years. She loves the variety that comes with her role as an Academic Skills Advisor and particularly enjoys meeting and supporting a diverse range of students. Helen is responsible for the development of the Returning to Learning student community of practice, which supports students who have had a break from education to develop their confidence.

Kat Molesworth

Kat Molesworth

Kat is usually based at Manchester St. James’ and enjoys discussing academic skills with a wide range of students both at St James’ and online, through one-to-one support and UniSkills workshops. Her favourite topics are academic writing (especially grammar and formulating an argument) and critical thinking.  The best part of the role for her is learning more about what students are working on, helping them to express their ideas, and most of all seeing their hard work recognised in their feedback and results.

Headshot of Andy Tomkins
Andy Tomkins

Andy Tomkins

Andy is a qualified Librarian and has worked at Edge Hill for over 16 years. His role involves helping students with referencing, finding academic information and developing their academic writing. This involves one-to-one support, workshops and embedded delivery across the campus. Andy finds it very rewarding to help students problem solve something they may have struggled with and to see their understanding develop.

Adam Paxman

Adam Paxman

Adam was the first person in his family to go to university and, prior to joining the team, has supported learners and taught in FE and HE. When he is not delivering study skills support to students his focus is on induction and transition. Adam loves the day-to-day aspects of his role, supporting students with academic writing or information skills through appointments, workshops and delivering embedded sessions on a wide range of topics.

Emily Pennington

Emily Pennington

Emily joined the team in September 2022, having spent 10 years as a HE Lecturer. Throughout her career she has gained valuable insights into students anxieties as they transition into HE and is passionate about helping alleviate those concerns, helping to guide students to be the best researchers and writers they can possibly be.

Maisie Prior

Maisie Prior

Maisie has been an Academic Skills Advisor at Edge Hill for over 5 years. Her favourite part about working in the Student Engagement team is being able to help students realise their potential and achieve their best grades. Maisie was instrumental in the creation of two toolkits and is excited to continue developing new workshops and resources in the coming year. Maisie is currently on maternity leave.

Emma Harrison

Emma Harrison

Emma joined the team in 2024 after working in libraries for over 7 years. She was recognised as one of the CILIP125 in July 2023 for her contribution to libraries as a young professional. She enjoys the variety her role brings and is passionate about helping students develop their academic skills. When she is not delivering appointments and sessions, Emma’s focus is on evaluating the feedback and impact of our academic skills support to help improve the services we offer to students.

Headshot of Christine Anderton
Christine Anderton

Christine Anderton

Christine has worked at Edge Hill for 20 years in a variety of roles within Student Services and Learning Services and is currently seconded from her Student Engagement Officer role to cover Maisie’s maternity leave. Christine has played an instrumental role in the development of the UniSkills portal, designed to provide students with seamless access to support, and is dedicated to enhancing students academic writing and information skills, fostering their growth and success.

Catalyst Communications Co-Ordinator

Daniel Cole

Daniel Cole

Dan joined us in September 2024. With over 10 years of experience in Higher Education, Dan brings a wealth of knowledge from previous roles working in student support and marketing, and as student sabbatical officer for his students’ union, where he represented over 24,000 students. His passion for supporting students grew from tackling key community-based issues such as accommodation, mental health and wellbeing and cost of living.

Dan holds an MSc in Digital Marketing and will be instrumental in enhancing student experience by delivering on Catalyst Communications priorities, collaboratively providing essential information from Catalyst Services: Library and Learning Services, Student Services and Careers. He will also support management of Catalyst communication channels and student engagement campaigns, events and initiatives ensuring students are connected and informed.

Student Advisors

Our award-winning team of Student Advisors provide help, support, and guidance to other students on a peer-to-peer basis. The team are all current students and between them bring a great variety of subject knowledge from their individual disciplines, together with a wealth of experience from studying at Edge Hill.

Student Advisors are instrumental in providing introductory academic skills support and helping you to get the most out of the University Library. You can meet your Student Advisors throughout the year at various in person and online events and initiatives including:

Group photo of the Student Engagement team.
Library and Learning Services Student Engagement Team.
Back row, left to right: Julie, Claire S, Adam, Andy, Christine and Helen B.
Front row, left to right: Claire O, Helen J, Emily and Maisie.