These pages will introduce you to the concept of academic integrity, signpost you to the University’s policies on academic malpractice, and support you in referencing your academic work.
Academic integrity
The International Center for Academic Integrity (2014) defines academic integrity as honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage in your academic work.
At University you are part of a learning community and as such will be developing, discussing and sharing new or long-standing ideas as you study. This is great, and very much encouraged, but it is important to ensure how you share or present these ideas, particularly those belonging to other people, acknowledges their original source.
Skills around academic integrity can and will develop over your time at university. If you have any immediate questions or concerns speak to your academic tutors, who can offer you guidance and support.
The University defines academic malpractice as ‘an attempt to gain an advantage over other students by the use of unfair and/or unacceptable methods’ (Edge Hill University, 2018). Find out more about the University’s policies on academic malpractice.
Referencing is the acknowledgment of all the sources that have been cited in your assignment, whether you have quoted them directly or paraphrased. This can include sources such as books, journal articles, and webpages. There are various referencing styles available and your tutor will let you know which one they want you to use in your work.
Why do I need to reference?
Referencing the sources of information that you use in your work is an essential part of academic writing, so it is important to understand how to do it. This is a skill you will develop throughout your time at university, so don’t worry if you aren’t a referencing pro just yet. And although accurately acknowledging your sources ensures your academic integrity, it also demonstrates the scope of your research, which could even help improve your marks.
Accurate referencing in your assignment helps to direct your readers to the information you have used, demonstrates that you have researched your topic thoroughly, supports your arguments, gives your work an evidential basis, and protects against charges of plagiarism.
When do I need to reference?
You need to reference any time you use, or refer to, another person’s work within your own work.
All styles of referencing consist of two parts: a citation in the main text of your assignment and a complete list of references at the end of your work. The list at the end of your work is often called a reference list or bibliography. A reference list is an explicit list of sources cited in your assignment. A bibliography also includes any wider materials that has informed your assignment. Check which style your tutor requires for each assignment.
Referencing and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
You can access a student guide to the ethical use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) within your Institution Page on Blackboard.
Top referencing tips
Check your module handbook or speak to your tutor to check you are using the right style.
Make use of online style guides and toolkits available.
Keep a record of all your sources – this will make writing them all up much easier.
Be consistent.
Referencing style guides and toolkit
Harvard referencing
Harvard is a generic term for any style that uses the author-date format for references embedded within the main body of your assignment. These citations are accompanied by a full list of references, in alphabetical order, at the end of your work in a section often called your reference list or bibliography.
Standard format: AUTHOR, Year. Title (in italics). Edition (if not the 1st). Place of publication: Publisher.
Example: BARKER, P., 1993. Michel Foucault: subversions of the subject. 2nd ed. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Standard format: AUTHOR, Year. Title of book [eBook]. Place of publication: Publisher. Available from: URL [Accessed date].
Example: MCMILLAN, K. and WEYERS, J., 2012. The study skills book [eBook]. 3rd ed. Harlow: Pearson. Available from: [Accessed 8 July 2014].
Journal article
Standard Format: AUTHOR, Year. Title of article. Title of Journal (in italics). Volume (Issue number in brackets), Pages (p. or pp.) where article starts and ends.
Example: BOLT, D., 2004. Disability and the Rhetoric of Inclusive higher education. Journal of Further and higher education. 28 (4), pp. 353-358.
Standard Format: AUTHOR, Year. Title of document or webpage [online]. Available from: URL [Accessed date].
Examples: CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION PROFESSIONALS, 2014. BiblioTech: a library without books [online]. Available from: [Accessed 10 August 2014].
HARRISON, G., 2013. School league tables: Most miss Baccalaureate target. BBC News: Education and Family [online]. Available from: [Accessed 26 January 2014].
Not all subjects will use Harvard style of referencing, so be sure to check with your tutor which style they would like you to use. Other styles of referencing can be accessed via your Subject Resources.
Other referencing styles
Although Harvard is the most common style of referencing used at Edge Hill University not all subjects will use it, so be sure to check with your tutor on which style they would like you to use. Other styles of referencing can be accessed on your Subject Resources pages.
RefWorks is a web-based bibliography and database manager. It can help you to manage your research and save bibliographic information in one place, which can then be used to create your bibliography or reference list.
Although RefWorks can help manage your references it is not a substitute for knowing how to reference. However, it may help you manage your citations and reading material, which can be helpful when conducting a large piece of research.
The first time you log in to RefWorks you will need to create an account. The RefWorks Guide can provide further support setting up your account and using RefWorks effectively.
If you wish to use a reference management software for a taught course (undergraduate and taught postgraduate) we recommend using RefWorks. However, a small number of academic programmes may recommend using EndNote.
What is EndNote
EndNote is a reference management software that can help you store, organise and retrieve your references from one online location. Endnote may help you to cite your references more easily within your writing and can be used to create reference lists and bibliographies in a range of referencing styles. Endnote is often considered an industry standard tool particularly for health research and may help you manage your references more efficiently.
How to install EndNote
We have created a quick guide to help you download and get started using EndNote. It is also important to make sure you read and understand the licence and acceptable use policy before downloading and using EndNote.