Contrary to popular opinion, criminology is not about ‘looking into the mind of a criminal’. It’s a fascinating social science that explores the criminal justice systems, the causes of crime, and the nature of crime in society.
As criminologists, we have to understand is that crime is a label we pin on acts or behaviours in some places, some of the time, and when committed by some people. What counts as a crime changes over time and from place to place. To see how society’s opinion of crime alters, just look at how certain drugs were once legal, such as heroin or cocaine, while at one time alcohol consumption was illegal in America and, in fact, still is in some countries.
Debates around young people and youth justice are prevalent within criminology and within the broader public consciousness. Children and young people have increasingly become the focus of social, legal and criminal justice interventions. Many criminology students express a desire to work in areas relating to children and young people when they complete their degree.