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Undergraduate Nursing

Why study nursing at Edge Hill University?

We’ve been educating nurses since 1994 – that’s over 30 years. When you start your journey into nursing with us, you’re studying with one of the leading providers in the North West. Take advantage of top facilities, including our Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre, home to human patient simulators which can imitate a range of symptoms.

Inspiring nursing degrees

Pick from four specialist fields:

All our degrees are approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), whichever field you choose.

You’ll spend 50% of your time in practice, undertaken in hospitals and community settings within the NHS, local authority, independent and voluntary organisations. As soon as you graduate you’ll be eligible to register as a qualified nurse.

And you can gain eligibility to register with the NMC as a qualified nurse in two fields with our four-year MSci Nursing (Hons).

Innovative courses at Edge Hill University

We also deliver an innovative suite of programmes. We offer eligibility to register with the NMC as a qualified nurse while also enabling you to apply for registration with Social Work England as a qualified social worker:

Or be at the forefront of integrated healthcare with our MSci (Hons) Nurse Paramedic (Adult) course, combining nursing and paramedic practice. Unique to the UK, successful completion of the course provides eligibility to register as an adult nurse with the NMC, and as a paramedic with the Health and Care Professions Council.

Foundation Nursing Associate degrees

If you want to care for diverse patients, hone your skills with a broad range of practical experiences, and qualify to provide clinical support for registered nurses, complete our Foundation Nursing Associate course, gaining eligibility to apply for registration with the NMC.

Converting to nursing and postgraduate qualifications

If you already hold a non-nursing degree, our two-year MSc Nursing programmes provide a route for graduates to gain eligibility to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) as a professionally-qualified nurse.

And if you’re a qualified nurse holding current registration with the NMC, you can also train with us in a second field of nursing. Our PGDip Nursing courses, one-year full-time and 18-months part-time, enable you to undertake an additional professional role in adult nursing, children’s nursing, learning disability nursing or mental health nursing, and achieve dual registration.

NHS funding support for Edge Hill University nursing students

The NHS Learning Support Fund (LSF) is designed to help students on certain health-related courses as we educate and train the next generation of able and compassionate nurses and healthcare workers. Your personal circumstances will determine what you get.

  • You can apply for a non-means-tested Training Grant of £5,000 per academic year, or a pro rata amount for part-time students. Students on certain courses can get a Special Subject Payment, which is an additional £1,000.
  • If you have at least one dependant child under 15 years old (or 17 if registered with special education needs) you can also receive Parental Support. This is a grant of £2,000 per academic year or a pro rata amount for part-time students.
  • You may be able to claim back excess travel or accommodation costs on placement.
  • If you’re experiencing unforeseen financial hardship, you may be able to claim up to £3,000.

Got questions? You may find the answer in our Nursing and midwifery placement FAQs.


On graduation you’ll be eligible to register as a qualified nurse with the NMC in your chosen field.

Gain access to our network of NHS hospitals, community trusts and healthcare providers in the independent and voluntary sector.

Improve your technical knowledge, and quick diagnosis and teamwork skills with our patient simulators, representing a range of ages.

Apply to study at Edge Hill University

Ready to apply? Find out more about applying to UCAS, the application process and how to get in touch if you've got any questions.

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Discover Nursing with Edge Hill University

Choose from four specialist nursing pathways approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council – adult, child, learning disabilities, and mental health. On graduation, you’ll have the knowledge, skills and experience to plan and deliver care in a safe, compassionate and effective way.
Nursing student Michael

Nursing is a unique role. You get to be part of the best and worst times of people’s lives.

Michael Dobson

BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult)

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Jade Ainsworth, mental health nursing student, on placement in Tanzania.

My own experiences with mental health are what brought me to a nursing degree. Having fought my own battles, I want to help others fight theirs.

Jade Ainsworth

BSc (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health)

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Bridget Amo headshot.

Black History Month at Edge Hill is about showing people they belong, they are accepted here, to show people they can say, ‘this is my home, Edge Hill is my place, I matter'.

Bridget Amo

BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult)

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Jackson Owen MNSW Children's Nursing and Social Work student

Providing care to children is a uniquely rewarding experience, and requires a special approach. I've learnt the importance of effective communication and empathy. Being able to listen attentively and communicate in a way they understand is crucial.

Jackson Owen

MNSW Children's Nursing and Social Work

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Katie Day, Nurse Paramedic

I’m acquiring the skills of both a nurse and a paramedic. They provide the practitioner with a greater level of skills and clinical leadership.

Katie Day

MSci (Hons) Nurse Paramedic (Adult)

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We are one of the leading providers of education and training for health and social care professionals in the North West of England.

The innovative £14m Faculty of Health and Social Care building provides outstanding teaching and learning resources. These include leading edge clinical skills facilities, ten teaching rooms, an 860-seat lecture theatre and a number of social learning spaces.

The clinical skills facilities include ward simulations and operating theatres with industry-standard equipment, as well as mannequins that can simulate a wide range of symptoms, from pregnancy to a high temperature, to ensure your learning experience is as realistic as possible.

Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine

Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre