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FM privacy notice

Our respect for the privacy and security of your data is of great importance to the Facilities Management department and Edge Hill University. All personal data is held and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR.

This notice specifically relates to personal data processed by the Facilities Management Service Area teams. Please refer to Edge Hill Sport to view their Privacy Notice.

This notice should be read in conjunction with the University’s Data Protection Policy and Privacy Policy.

What information do we collect about you?

To be compliant within wider policy and legislation, we collect data from all employees in line with their Employment Contracts. As in Article 5 (1) of the GDPR, all personal data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject when you attend our facilities or sign-up for the following:

What we collect

How do we use the information you provide us?

Under the GDPR, we must meet one of the conditions set out in Article 6 in order to process your data. We use the information we collect only in compliance with this privacy notice.

In most cases, the necessary processing of your data is for statutory and contractual purposes. We may also need to process the sensitive data you provide to us to ensure your safety and wellbeing. Processing could also be necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or others. In addition to this, we also need to process some of the data you provide to help us comply with legal obligations.

We will utilise your feedback to improve our services and to evaluate the success of our activities and events to see how to enhance them in the future and we may use photographs and images of individuals and groups for marketing and promotional purposes, but we will always seek your consent in advance.

Who do we share your information with?

We may provide your information to GDPR compliant internal and external providers and stakeholders who render the services to us on your behalf. An example of these are:

Examples of shared information

How long do you keep my information?

We retain personal information that you provide us, for as long as we consider it useful in contacting you about the product and services we provide, or as needed to comply with legal obligations. We remove and delete some information when it is replaced with updated information.

We work to the University Retention Policy, which states how long we will keep your data for. Timescales vary for different data in line with various compliance and regulations.

Is my personal data secure?

We are committed to the security of the information we hold and in ensuring that only people who need to access the information are able to do so. Your information is held securely on the password protected University servers or in secure areas with access restricted to authorised personnel only. We will not sell on your personal data to third parties and we do not permit third parties to sell on the data that we have shared with them.

Your rights

You have the right to access and be informed of what personal data the University holds about you and what it is used for. To submit a request please refer to the University’s Subject Access Request Form:

You can correct, update or restrict your data at any time by emailing or in person at the FM Reception desk in the Durning Centre. Should you request your data to be removed, we may continue to hold some information such as financial records in line with statutory requirements.

We may amend this privacy notice from time to time and any significant changes to this notice or to the way we treat your data will be communicated either via the Edge Hill Website or by contacting you directly through the most appropriate means.

Get in touch

Should you wish to contact anyone regarding your personal data or if you have any concerns about the use or processing of your data, please contact:

Data Protection Office,
Edge Hill University,
St Helens Road,
L39 4QP.