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Laptop loans

Catalyst has over 100 laptops that you can borrow, as well as over 350 fixed PCs that are accessible 24/7 during term time. All have access to the University network and online file storage, including most software available from the University.

Laptop loans

Laptops are self issued using your library account and can be found in the lockers on the ground floor of the Catalyst building. You will need your Unicard to issue or return a laptop.

Types of loan availableTypes of loan available
24hr loansFor use on campus only. These machines are not issued with a charger and will not work off campus.
Two week loansFor use on and off campus. You will need to pick up a charger and bag from the Catalyst Helpdesk.

Please note: Laptops will not renew and must be returned on, or before, their due date. Once you return a laptop you can pick another up straight away, subject to availability.

Semester loan laptops

We understand that there are lots of circumstances where the overnight and two week loans will not be sufficient. In these cases you can apply for a semester loan laptop from the University.

Loans will be given the following due dates:

Loans during semester 1Until 6 January 2025
Loans during Semester 2Until 16 May 2025

Items should be returned on or before the relevant date above.

You must have completed Stage 1 Enrolment to request a long loan.

Due to demand we cannot guarantee availability of a long loan laptop if your request is urgent or temporary (such as while your own laptop is repaired, or if you are waiting for student funding) In these circumstances you should use the two week or overnight loans available in Catalyst.

Terms and Conditions of loaning

To be considered for a Semester loan laptop please complete the form below and we will be in touch.