Fire safety in halls
If you are a resident of Edge Hill University, please read the following information and guidance on what to in the event of a fire.

What to do in the event of a fire
- If you discover a fire, operate the nearest fire alarm call point and report the location to Campus Support 01695 584227 and the emergency services on 999.
- If it is safe to do so, close all doors and windows as you evacuate the building via the nearest exit and proceed to the assembly point (muster point).
- Your nearest assembly point to your accommodation is listed on the back of your bedroom door.
- Fire alarms tests take place in all buildings every Thursday for 15 seconds. If you hear the alarm at any other time, or on a Thursday for more than 15 seconds, you must evacuate immediately.
- Fire evacuation drills where you are required to exit the building will take place each term.
When cooking
- Never cook when under the influence of alcohol.
- Do not cook in locations other than the kitchen.
- Never leave cooking unattended.
In your flat
- Designated smoking areas are located externally and are clearly indicated. Smoking – including e-cigarettes and vape pens – is not permitted anywhere in the halls.
- You should charge laptops and phones when you are awake, never at night under pillows.
- Always place straighteners on a heatproof mat.
- Always use the charger that came with your device.
- Under no circumstance should you light flames or use heating devices within halls. Avoid cigarettes, candles and burners.
- Keep corridors clear at all times, including of any rubbish. Belongings should be stored in rooms to keep a clear escape route available.
- Do not bring additional furniture into halls.
- Additional refrigerators are not permitted in bedrooms unless required for a specific medical condition.
- Students must not use or store strip, string or fairy lights, either battery or plug-in.
- Students are responsible for ensuring combustible waste is not allowed to build up in bedrooms.:
- Store reflective items, like magnifying glasses and glass ornaments, away from windows, especially south-facing ones, or cover them when not in use.
- Close internal doors when you leave home or at bedtime.
- Don’t place objects that can focus sunlight near windows or next to flammable materials.

Fire equipment
- Never cover or obstruct a smoke detector – it is a criminal offence and you may be subject to the Universities Disciplinary Code and Procedure and/or termination of your accommodation agreement.
- Do not prop or wedge fire doors open.
- Do not disengage fire door closers.
- Do not tamper with, obstruct or maliciously set off extinguishers.
- Tampering with fire equipment or acting against fire safety advice is subject to disciplinary action.

Electrical safety
- The United Kingdom Electrical supply is 240 volts and only compatible equipment should be used unless in conjunction with an approved conversion device.
- Before plugging an item in for the first time, residents need to get it PAT tested and approved – sessions are available in September and January to support residents with this.
- Any personal portable appliances used within halls must have been tested.
- If using a multi plug adaptor, do not exceed a load of 13 amps in any one socket and do not daisy chain adaptors together.
- Any potentially dangerous electrical equipment must be reported immediately through to the FM Helpdesk 01695 58(4455).
Where can I find Fire Safety information as a resident?
Create your escape plan- Pre-arrival email.
- Licence Agreement.
- EHU Resident Essentials.
- Resident induction.
- Fire Safety Week halls visits with Lancashire Fire and Rescue.
- Fire Action notices.
- Posters in halls.