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Print Logic

The SME Productivity & Innovation Centre (PIC) at Edge Hill University delivers impact through an intensive fully-funded programme that helps established SMEs, with the vision and potential for growth, build a coherent business model strategy to scale-up.

Print Logic case study

Print Logic logo
increase in turnover
increase in profitability
Paul Edwards, managing director of Print Logic Reprographics Ltd

“I enthusiastically joined the Rapid Innovation
Sprint Programme at Edge Hill University,
where the exceptional team facilitated a
meticulous analysis of our company. The
results prompted us to critically re-think and
question our sales and targeting strategies,
leading to significant business growth. This
invaluable experience has been instrumental
in our continued success.”

Paul Edwards
Managing Director – Print Logic Reprographics Ltd

Benefits and impact:

Technology adopted

  • New business intelligence platform successfully adopted and implemented.


  • 20% increase in profitability


  • Streamlined process efficiencies which have improved customer service and retention.

Business profile: Print Logic Reprographics Ltd

SectorProfessional Business Service
Product/serviceB2B industry-leading supplier of printers, photocopiers, and document management solutions
Size (by headcount)17
LocationBirkenhead, Wirral
Print Logic printer

The challenges

Paul Edwards, Managing Director of Print Logic Reprographics entered the Rapid Innovation Sprint Programme to grow his business through rebalancing the customer portfolio and maximising the opportunity from their existing customer base by targeting high-value, long-term customers using outbound sales. Despite growing the customer base and increasing revenue through the pandemic, Paul needed to identify his ideal customer profile to improve productivity and profitability. Improving efficiencies within the business would also allow more time to address some of the business challenges and to take advantage of new opportunities.

The opportunity

Facilitated by the SME Growth Experts, Paul recognised that targeting high-value, long-term customers would provide a valuable commercial opportunity to support them in successfully achieving their financial objectives. All organisations have a level of dynamic capabilities to be able to sense, seize and transform themselves to better exploit opportunities in their existing customer base but also take advantage where new opportunities arise. Well-honing these dynamic capabilities will allow Print Logic to improve their efficiency and productivity which will drive up their profitability as a result. The strategy was also likely to require new digital technologies to underpin the new outbound sales process.

The key changes

Several changes were identified in the business model to achieve scalability. Automation of business processes through a new business intelligence platform will allow sales staff more time to focus on new systematic outbound business development which will drive up demand from profitable customers. Print Logic were also facilitated to plan their sales pipeline, customer journey KPIs and revenue model ensuring their new outbound business strategy was financially viable.

The plan and outcomes

Print Logic used the latter stages of the programme to devise their Growth Action Plan for embedding the new business model changes. As a direct result of the programme, Print Logic has increased their turnover by 15% and their profitability by 20%. Paul and the team have also improved their business process efficiencies through automation underpinned by a new business intelligence platform to make future recruitment easier. The programme has given Print Logic the plan and the infrastructure to achieve real scale, allowing them to drive up their revenue, create new jobs and ensure profitability.

What we offer

Fully-funded for SMEs (as commissioned by the European Commission)
50 hours of scale-up strategy, working on your business
Six intensive online workshops delivered over four weeks
Market research and rich data collection to aid decision-making
World-class rapid innovation tools and frameworks
Average growth achieved
Scaling SMEs supported
New products/ services launched
New jobs created

”The programme provides you with the opportunity to work on the business and not in it.”

Professor Simon Bolton – Director, SME Productivity & Innovation Centre

Get in touch

01695 657756

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