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The SME Productivity & Innovation Centre (PIC) at Edge Hill University delivers impact through an intensive fully-funded programme that helps established SMEs, with the vision and potential for growth, build a coherent business model strategy to scale-up.

Haworths case study

Chartered Accountants

Haworths business logo

New service developed
Mark Schofield, Director – Chartered Accountant FCA – Haworths

“The Programme provided us with the tools to enable us to move from a new idea all the way through to detailed implementation. I would wholeheartedly recommend it.”

Mark Schofield, Director – Chartered Accountant FCA – Haworths

Haworths completed the Programme and have introduced a new service:

  • Valuable data insights helped evaluate and clarify a new business opportunity
  • Clear understanding of customers pain-points has resulted in a technically feasible solution
  • Customers are seeing the quantifiable benefits from the additional support

Starting point

Haworths Chartered Accountants have been delivering their financial support services to businesses and individuals across Lancashire for over 15 years. The group of Accountants offer a holistic range of services including business support for start-up and growing businesses. The company operates from three offices located in Accrington, Settle and Bentham.

The proactive company is headed up by Mark Schofield Chartered Accountant FCA. Haworths experts help businesses to keep in excellent financial shape.

Haworths service offer spans beyond the customary annual accounts, audit, book-keeping and taxation. They offer a Director led service that builds an in-depth understanding of each client’s business allowing them to become a business adviser, preparing and interpreting management accounts and offering them effective business solutions, along-side the usual compliance service lines.

The journey

Mark and his colleague attended the Innovation Sprint Programme at Edge Hill to help evaluate and clarify a new business opportunity that would directly support the needs of their customers.

It was at the Ideation stage of the Programme that Haworths really took the opportunity to explore a range of solutions to their customers pain-points. Using the frameworks and tools, they were able to work to refine their concept through to a technically feasible solution.

The solution and outcomes

After successfully completing the Innovation Sprint Programme, Haworths are now working with existing customers to offer them an enhanced service. The new service will make a real difference to their customers, many of which are already benefiting from the additional support.

What we offer

Fully-funded for SMEs (as commissioned by the European Commission)
50 hours of scale-up strategy, working on your business
Six intensive online workshops delivered over four weeks
Market research and rich data collection to aid decision-making
World-class rapid innovation tools and frameworks
Average growth achieved
Scaling SMEs supported
New products/ services launched
New jobs created

”The programme provides you with the opportunity to work on the business and not in it.”

Professor Simon Bolton – Director, SME Productivity & Innovation Centre

Get in touch

01695 657756

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