Join a multi-professional programme for doctors, dentists, nurses and allied health professionals that systematically and creatively analyses the complexities of clinical education through active and reflective learning.
The MA in Clinical Education offers a supportive and challenging learning environment in which clinical educators can critically review and develop both theoretical perspectives and practical skills in the facilitation of learning and assessment. You will systematically and creatively analyse the complexities of clinical education, based on active and reflective learning from your own experiences in practice.
The programme will be run on a multi-professional basis, allowing practitioners such as medical doctors, dentists, nurses and allied health professionals to share their knowledge, experience and skills in teaching and supporting learning and the assessment or evaluation of teaching. You will improve your teaching skills and develop a critical understanding of how individuals learn in a clinical environment.
What you'll study
To exit the programme with a Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Education, you need to complete a core module in Research and Clinical Education (20 credits) then two further 20-credit modules from a choice of optional modules.
The optional modules are designed to allow you to explore different aspects of clinical education which are relevant to your role.
For the award of MA Clinical Education, you will need to complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Education and write a dissertation that can include the preparation of a paper suitable for publication.
Clinical Education Dissertation allows you to conceptualise, develop and realise a significant piece of primary research in the field of clinical education. It is designed to ensure that professionals who are clinical practitioners in a wide variety of professions / specialities in healthcare are able to carry out research which relates to, and which informs, professional practice as clinical educators. It will give you first-hand experience of supervised research in this rapidly developing and increasingly important subject.
Module code: CPD7010
Credits: 60
Research and Clinical Education
Research and Clinical Education focuses on the generation, development and application of research within the area of clinical education. While not a generic ‘research methods’ module, it covers major debates within the research area, various approaches to research and evidence-based practice, and some of the major research methods which are employed in the study of clinical and professional education. You will learn to critically appraise research findings in clinical and professional education and how they affect practice. The module also helps you to plan and develop research inquiries of your own or initiate joint research projects with other clinical practitioners.
Assessing Learning and Evaluating Teaching provides the opportunity to examine the form of assessment used in your profession and the different means by which teaching is evaluated and learning facilitated. The module reviews and critically analyses the principles informing assessment and evaluation and applies them to actual practice within the clinical context. There will also be opportunities for you to practice your teaching skills and to observe and give feedback to your peers. Topics include assessing learning, evaluating teaching, methods of assessment and evaluation, and peer observation of teaching.
Module code: CPD4455
Credits: 20
Delivering Teaching and Facilitating Learning Opportunities
Delivering Teaching and Facilitating Learning Opportunities allows you to examine the variety of approaches to teaching and learning and to experience/develop skills in a number of teaching techniques. The module will also examine the role of learning support and learning resources in promoting teaching and learning. It will relate research on the effectiveness of various approaches and techniques to the actual experience of participants. Topics include approaches to and techniques used in teaching and learning facilitation, selecting appropriate approaches and techniques, supporting student learning and using learning resources.
Module code: CPD4456
Credits: 20
Educational Leadership in Health Settings
Educational Leadership in Health Settings provides you with a critical and evaluative perspective on educational leadership. The module will address leadership theories, styles and approaches in the specific context of clinical education and will facilitate the application of theory to practice. Educational leaders can face unique challenges in working across organisational and professional boundaries and you will, therefore, be encouraged to apply leadership concepts to your own role and consider your personal contribution to the development of ‘learning organisations’.
Module code: CPD7004
Credits: 20
Educational Supervision in the Clinical Context
Educational Supervision in the Clinical Context explores the role and skills of educational supervision in the clinical workplace. The module will introduce and raise your awareness of key concepts involved in supervision in medical education, drawing on theory, practice and the broader scholarly literature. Assessment for learning and the use of critically constructive feedback to support learning will also be considered.
Module code: CPD7005
Credits: 20
E-learning in Clinical Education
E-learning in Clinical Education analyses the development of e-learning within the health context. It draws on the growing international research literature to identify key pedagogic and design principles which should underpin the effective use of communication and information technology applications in the field of clinical education. The module also facilitates you in applying available research to your own work environment, your own teaching, and in critically evaluating the potential of e-learning opportunities.
Module code: CPD7006
Credits: 20
Improving Practice in Clinical Education
Improving Practice in Clinical Education allows you to focus on a specific issue or topic of relevance to their educative role, in a supported way, within your own workplace. The precise focus of work will be negotiated and the subject of an individual learning agreement completed at the start of the module.
Module code: CPD7007
Credits: 20
Inclusivity in Clinical Education
Inclusivity in Clinical Education enables you to critically examine the concepts of equality, diversity and inclusivity within your clinical discipline. You will critically reflect on your responsibilities, accountability, practices and values and develop a culture of inclusivity to enhance clinical education within your workplace. This will be achieved through role modelling inclusive behaviours and recognising how these can contribute to a good patient experience and sharing of best practice. You will also explore how to break down barriers to equity of outcome and experience in clinical education, including unconscious bias and stereotypes, and discover how to challenge unacceptable behaviour effectively.
Module code: HEA4251
Credits: 20
Managing and Developing Medical Education
Managing and Developing Medical Education introduces and raises your awareness of key concepts involved in managing and developing medical education within the context of the clinical workplace. The module will explore the principles of curriculum planning, course design and evaluation for the quality assurance of educational interventions. You will also study a range of approaches to medical education (including problem-based learning and e-learning), and methods of medical education (such as presentations and group work).
Module code: CPD4708
Credits: 20
Medical Leadership
Medical Leadership examines the importance of the personal attributes of a leader, including emotional intelligence and personality type, using psychometric tools such as the Jungian Type Indicator (JTI). You will have the opportunity to analyse and reflect upon your personal effectiveness against Covey’s seven effectiveness domains. You will also use Belbin’s team roles as a way of understanding your own and others’ contributions to team meetings.
Module code: HEA4117
Credits: 20
Mentoring and Coaching in Clinical Education
Mentoring and Coaching in Clinical Education focuses on mentoring and coaching in relation to the purposes, context, processes, skills and impact on the clinical learning environment. You will engage in an analysis of the nature of supportive/developmental relationships in the field of clinical education, including conducting an evaluation of the theoretical constructs of mentoring and coaching, current research and the benefits to both the individual and the organisation. You will explore the roles of mentoring and coaching in your own specific area of clinical practice in some depth.
Module code: CPD7011
Credits: 20
Negotiated Learning Shell 7.20
Negotiated Learning Shell 7.20 provides an opportunity for you to study a topic or work-related issue at Masters level. It involves you identifying the chosen area for study before developing and negotiating a learning contract, which will outline the what, how, when, where and why of the study period as well as the means of assessment to showcase the acquired learning.
Module code: HEA4034
Credits: 20
Promoting Professionalism and Ethics in Multidisciplinary Practice
Promoting Professionalism and Ethics in Multidisciplinary Practice enables you to explore and critically appraise the notion of professionalism. You will critically examine ethical aspects associated with professionalism in healthcare, for example public expectations versus personal expression, to assist in reflective practice. The aim is to encourage you to critically reflect on your practices and values when working in a multi-disciplinary team. You will explore ways in which an individual can validate and support the development of professionalism, creating a professional environment in healthcare settings and role-modelling professional values and behaviours to enhance both the patient experience and the sharing of best practice.
Module code: HEA4220
Credits: 20
Teaching and Learning in the Clinical Context
Teaching and Learning in the Clinical Context introduces and raises awareness of the key concepts involved in teaching and facilitating learning in both the clinical context and higher education. The module critically examines theories of learning and teaching and their relevance to learning and teaching facilitation in the clinical context. Topics include using the clinical environment for the teaching and facilitation of learning, theories of learning, aligning learning, teaching and assessment, reflective learning and a philosophy of teaching.
Module code: CPD4454
Credits: 20
Teaching and Learning in the Medical Workplace
Teaching and Learning in the Medical Workplace offers an introduction to the role of the Clinical Supervisor in the medical workplace. The module will raise your awareness of key concepts involved in teaching and facilitating learning, including understanding the theories of learning, the educational climate, adult learning, styles of learning, styles of teaching, clinical skills teaching and clinical workplace teaching. You will also explore your personal approach to teaching and peer observation of teaching and be introduced to reflective practice, workplace assessment and feedback, portfolios and supervision.
Module code: CPD4706
Credits: 20
Teaching, Learning and Simulation in the Clinical Context
Teaching, Learning and Simulation in the Clinical Context introduces and raises awareness of the key theories and concepts involved in teaching and facilitating learning via simulation in the clinical context. The module will provide you with the theoretical underpinning on which to build further study and professional practice. It also commences the process of enhancing critical reflection on your role as a teacher and learning facilitator, stimulating the articulation of your evolving personal philosophy of teaching as you begin to explore the appropriate use of simulation as a teaching and learning modality in the clinical context.
Module code: CPD4010
Credits: 20
Supporting the Postgraduate Learner in the Medical Workplace
Supporting the Postgraduate Learner in the Medical Workplace offers you an in-depth exploration of the role and remit of the Educational Supervisor in the medical workplace. The module will introduce and raise your awareness of key concepts involved in educational supervision, drawing on theory, practice and broader scholarly literature. You will explore the assessment of learning needs, learning agreements and learning objectives, appraisal, report writing, the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) cycle, and assessment for learning and feedback. The module also covers supervising and supporting diverse trainees, such as those in difficulty.
Module code: CPD4707
Credits: 20
Using Simulation to Support Clinical Learning
Using Simulation to Support Clinical Learning analyses and critically appraises current and contentious debates surrounding the use of simulation to support clinical learning. The module will equip you with the academic skills required to critically evaluate simulation used to support clinical learning, advancing your knowledge through focusing on an individually identified aspect of simulation of particular interest to your professional needs.
Where your course includes optional modules, these are to provide an element of choice within the course curriculum. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by timetabling requirements. Some restrictions on optional module choice or combinations of optional modules may apply.
How you'll study
The course is delivered primarily using online learning through the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The online learning is blended with a small number of face-to-face days. A typical module may include up to three face-to-face days, although due to the flexibility of the programme, attendance is not compulsory.
You can expect to receive your timetable at enrolment. Please note that while we make every effort to ensure that timetables are as student-friendly as possible, scheduled teaching can take place on any day or evening of the week.
How you'll be assessed
A range of assessment strategies are employed in this programme including online tasks, critical reflection on practice, assignments, evaluative reports and portfolios. You will be expected to write approximately 4,000 words (or equivalent) for each module. The dissertation will be 15,000 words (or equivalent). Assignments are submitted electronically through the VLE.
Who will be teaching you
The academic team is comprised of highly experienced tutors from Edge Hill University. Many of the team are research active in the field of clinical education and are University Teaching and Learning Fellows with an extensive publication record. Some of the academic tutors are, or have been, practising clinicians who have specialised in clinical education and others are experienced educationalists from a range of backgrounds.
Entry criteria
Entry requirements
To join this course, prospective participants are expected to be experienced professionals in a medical, dental, nursing or allied health speciality, with some responsibilities for education within the workplace.
You will be expected to hold a Postgraduate Certificate in a relevant subject (such as PGCert Teaching and Learning in Clinical Practice or an equivalent) as the first 60 credits of the award.
Please note, if you wish to access any of the modules on a stand-alone basis you do not need to have completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Clinical Practice or an equivalent course of study. These applications will be considered on individual merit.
You will be asked to provide references. Interviews may also be used to supplement the application process.
How to apply
Currently closed to further applications.
Should you accept an offer of a place to study with us and formally enrol as a student, you will be subject to the provisions of the regulations, rules, codes, conditions and policies which apply to our students. These are available at
Visit Edge Hill University
There’s plenty of opportunities to come take a look around campus. Attend one of our open days to see what life at Edge Hill University is all about.
The Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine offers outstanding facilities for the education and training of health and social care professionals.
The contemporary teaching and learning resources include leading edge clinical skills facilities, an 860-seat lecture theatre, and a variety of teaching rooms and social learning spaces.
Tuition fees for students joining this course in academic year 2023/24 are still to be announced. We will update this information as soon as it is available.
EU/EEA and Swiss students who have settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, as well as Irish nationals, may be eligible for the UK tuition fee rate.
Financial support
Please view the relevant Money Matters guide for comprehensive information about the financial support available to eligible UK students joining postgraduate courses at Edge Hill University.
EU/EEA and Swiss students who have settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme may be eligible to apply for financial support. Irish nationals can ordinarily apply to Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI). Please see our EU student finance page for further details.
Your future career
The MA Clinical Education programme will provide specialist knowledge that would be useful for any career that involves the support of learning and assessment in practice. In addition, the programme will enable you to develop skills of critical analysis and research commensurate with postgraduate study.