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Undergraduate Social Work

Want to support people and their families? At Edge Hill, prepare for life as a social worker with courses delivered alongside the Cheshire & Merseyside Social Work Teaching Partnership and meet the professional standards of Social Work England.

Learn from a team of qualified and registered social workers and approved mental health practitioners. Listen to guest speakers who are practitioners, those with lived experience and carers, senior managers and policy makers. Once you finish the course, you’ll feel ready for the role and be eligible to apply for registration with Social Work England.

We offer placements in child and adult services and organisations focusing on HIV support, prevention, and training.

1st in the North West for learning resources (National Student Survey 2024 - Social Work).

100% of our social work students are employed or in further study 15 months after graduation (Graduate Outcomes data released 2024 from 2021/22 graduates)

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Discover Social Work with Edge Hill University

As a social worker, it will be your challenge to promote wellbeing in diverse communities and help individuals with complex needs. At Edge Hill, you’ll learn on placements within local authorities, including Liverpool City Council, and organisations such as Sefton Advocacy (support for vulnerable adults) and CGL (Change, Grow, Live) Alcohol and Drugs Services. 
Photo of Nicola Else

The lecturers have been very supportive and bring social work experiences to the classroom. They have a wide range of social work experiences, such as working with children and families, working with adults with disabilities, working with mental health and many more."

Nicola Else

BA (Hons) Social Work

View student profile
Linzi Riley

My lecturers were amazing, every single one of them. They all had different approaches to teaching and each one taught me lessons in life and my career that I will never forget."

Linzi Riley

BA (Hons) Social Work

View alumni profile


We are one of the leading providers of education and training for health and social care professionals in the North West of England.

The innovative £14m Faculty of Health and Social Care building provides outstanding teaching and learning resources. These include leading edge clinical skills facilities, ten teaching rooms, an 860-seat lecture theatre and a number of social learning spaces.


Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine

Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre