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Explore the career paths of other psychology graduates

Our Psychology degree programmes incorporate the development of a wide range of key graduate skills.

As a result, our psychology graduates go on to achieve success in a variety of roles such as: psychological well-being practitioner; primary school teacher; assistant psychologist; mental health and wellbeing practitioner; events manager;  intelligence assistant; HR assistant; graduate trainee project manager; SEN caseworker; behavioural therapist.

An image of Beth Gannon

“Find your area of special interest, or your ‘niche’, and as long as you’ve got that passion, you’ll succeed in anything you put your mind to.”

Beth Gannon


View alumni profile

Networking – all you need to know

Informational interviews: Getting the inside story

Watch this short video to find out how an informational interview can help you in your career or job search and then read how to secure one and what to ask.

YouTube: What are informational interviews? Indeed: What is an informational interview?

Research using the LinkedIn Alumni tool

The Alumni tool is a powerful way to find people to connect with. This search has already been filtered for you to show all of those who studied psychology at EHU between 2014 and 2023, but you can also search by keyword, see their job titles and organisations they’re working with. You can also use this tool to grow your network by connecting with EHU alumni and by reaching out to them to get an insight in to their role or company.

LinkedIn Alumni tool