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Medical Image and Video Analysis [MIVA]


  • Improve Health and lifestyle through technology, particularly our expertise in Computer Vision & AI.
    Addressing SDG-3: Good Health and Well-Being (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages)
  • Become regionally and Nationally recognized Medical Image and Video Analysis Research Group (and Centre in future), supporting healthcare professionals and patients’ benefit.


  • Research and Develop minimally-invasive automated monitoring and diagnosis-support techniques for the patients’ benefit and comfort (without compromising the medical & care quality)
  • Maximise the societal impact of our research and innovation.  {solving timely real-world problems, collaborating with experts}
  • Provide professional visibility and reputation of the EHU-CS research work, in this particular area (Medical Image and Video Analysis).
  • Build and consolidate a critical mass in the MIVA expertise.
  • Disseminate latest research findings and knowledge in high-quality outputs.
  • Promoting outreach, networking and collaboration with stakeholders.
  • Attract external research and knowledge exchange income.


EHU members
Associate/External members and collaborators: