Improve Health and lifestyle through technology, particularly our expertise in Computer Vision & AI. Addressing SDG-3: Good Health and Well-Being (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages)
Become regionally and Nationally recognized Medical Image and Video Analysis Research Group (and Centre in future), supporting healthcare professionals and patients’ benefit.
Research and Develop minimally-invasive automated monitoring and diagnosis-support techniques for the patients’ benefit and comfort (without compromising the medical & care quality)
Maximise the societal impact of our research and innovation. {solving timely real-world problems, collaborating with experts}
Provide professional visibility and reputation of the EHU-CS research work, in this particular area (Medical Image and Video Analysis).
Build and consolidate a critical mass in the MIVA expertise.
Disseminate latest research findings and knowledge in high-quality outputs.
Promoting outreach, networking and collaboration with stakeholders.
Attract external research and knowledge exchange income.
EHU members
Prof. Amr Ahmed.
Prof. Ardhendu Behera.
Prof. Yonghuai Liu.
Associate/External members and collaborators:
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.