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Research – things to consider

Use this page to explore different elements you will need to consider when undertaking research:

Human tissue

Edge Hill University undertakes ethically approved research involving human tissue. We have a research licence issued by the Human Tissue Authority (licensing number 12632) to lawfully store human tissue on the premises under the Human Tissue Act 2004.


The University views all human tissue as a valuable resource and we are grateful to those who have donated tissue samples.

All staff and students using human tissue are expected to adhere to the Human Tissue Authority’s guiding principles, as laid out in its codes of practice:

  • Consent: The wishes of the donor have primacy when removing, storing and using human tissue
  • Dignity should be paramount in the treatment of human tissue
  • Quality should underpin the management of human tissue
  • Honesty and openness should be the foundation of communications in matters pertaining to the use of human tissue.

As part of our commitment to these guiding principles we publish our Human Tissue Authority inspection reports.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Edge Hill University’s activities involving human tissue, please write to URESC Secretary, Research Office, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, L39 4QP or email [email protected].

Human Tissue Management Sub-Committee (HTMSC)

The University has a Human Tissue Management Sub-Committee (HTMSC), which is responsible for producing the Human Tissue Quality Manual – the policies and procedures governing the acquisition, use, storage, and disposal of human tissue by our staff and students. The HTMSC also monitors compliance with the quality manual and the conditions of the Human Tissue Research Licence, and oversees training and support relating to activity under the licence.

Open research

Edge Hill University promotes and supports Open Research. Please see this statement for more information. We have a Policy on Open Access (OA) and a Research Data Management Policy.

There are two main places you can access the University’s research:


Pure is the University’s research repository where our researchers upload information about their research outputs (and more) for you to view.

Where possible, the outputs themselves are made available to you online without the need for any subscription or other payment – this is known as ‘open access’.

For enquiries about Pure, please contact the Research Office.


Edge Hill researchers use Figshare to store their research data and, where possible, make it publicly available for re-use.

Figshare is also used for less traditional research outputs (such as multimedia).

For enquiries about Figshare, please contact Library & Learning Services.

Research governance and ethics

The University has a governance framework within which all members of Edge Hill community must act when engaging in research or knowledge exchange.

The Research Ethics Policy and the Code of Practice for the Conduct of Research are the principal documents for guiding researchers in ethical conduct.

If you would like information on research integrity at Edge Hill, please contact the Research Office.

Whistleblowers, or anyone else wishing to raise concerns about the integrity of research being conducted by or on behalf of Edge Hill University, should contact the secretary to the University Research Ethics Sub-committee.

Research governance and integrity documents

Open research

Research ethics and risk documents

If you have any issues you would like to raise about research ethics at Edge Hill University, please contact the secretary to the University Research Ethics Sub-committee.