Self Service Password Reset
This document should help guide you through the process of resetting your password via Self Service Password Reset (SSPR). This guide can be used by Staff.
Please note that this process only works if you already have an alternative email registered for SSPR. For students, this will be pre-configured for you, using the personal email address provided at registration.
If you attempt to reset your password and you are not registered, you will receive an error message stating that you haven’t registered for password reset.
At this point, please contact one of the following support services:
Call: 01695 650800 (menu option 3)
Visit: Catalyst helpdesk in the University library
Call: 01695 650444 or ext 7444
Step 1. Click the “Reset Password” button on this page to connect to the Microsoft Self Service Password portal.
Reset PasswordStep 2. Enter your Edge Hill University email address (eg [email protected]), then enter the characters in the picture, or words in the audio, and click the “Next” button..
Step 3. Select the “I’ve forgotten my password” or “I know my password, but still can’t sign in” based on your needs.
Step 4. Enter the verification code. This has been sent to your alternative email address.
Step 5. Create and confirm a new password.
To ensure your University IT account is secure, your password must be a minimum of 12 characters long and contain characters from at least three of the following categories:
- Uppercase character(s)
- Lowercase character(s)
- Numeric character(s)
- Special character(s)
- Passwords should be unique and not used across multiple systems.
- Passwords should not be anything used in the previous 12 months.
- Passwords should not be similar to anything previously used (to within three characters) for example you cannot increment by one number each month.
Please note:
- Microsoft maintain a list of common passwords which cannot be used (and insecure passwords will be rejected), therefore please ensure your password is unique.
- Please remember that you will need to reset / create a new University IT password every 180 days
Then click “Finish” to create your new password.
Step 6. You will now be able to sign into your University IT account using the password you have created.
Related documents
How to Register for Multi-Factor Authentication
Registering for Self Service Password Reset and Multi-Factor Authentication