Family origin, ethnicity and religion
Within the University’s five year Access and Participation Plan (APP) for 2020/21 to 2025/26, we set out how we aim to improve equality of opportunity for underrepresented groups to access, succeed (be retained on course and attain a good degree of a 2:1 or above), and progress from higher education into employment or further study.
To enable us to better understand the student experience of our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students, mixed methods research was conducted and a report was produced in July 2020 containing key recommendations based upon analysis of our student data.
As a direct response to the report findings, this Family Origin, Ethnicity and Religion toolkit has been developed. This toolkit aims to improve staff confidence in these areas by enabling staff to gain a deeper understanding of cultural diversity, ethnicity and religion. It includes Edge Hill student stories of lived experiences, and is a celebration of cultural diversity, as well as providing recommendations for staff on how to support the student journey for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students.
In the video below, Edge Hill University students discuss their first impressions of Edge Hill and their early experiences at the University.
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