Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)
Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a non-means tested allowance which currently funds academic and practical support to enable you to study at university. You will need recent evidence from a GP or health professional explaining how your disability or condition has a significant impact on your studying.
Applying for DSA
Applying for DSA before starting university will help ensure that support is in place at the start of your course.
Some useful information about the experience of applying for DSA and a student’s view point can be found online, but don’t forget that the Inclusion team can support you with any stage of the process too, just get in touch.
Your eligibility for DSA is decided by your funding body, based on the medical evidence you submit. The Inclusion Team can advise you on what types of medical evidence are suitable to support your application. Alternatively, please visit the gov.uk website.
If your application for DSA is accepted by your funding body (such as Student Finance England) they will write to you asking you to attend a Study Needs Assessment with an approved, independent assessor registered with NNAC (National Network of Assessment Centres). This process is by necessity independent of the University, but we can support you in booking the Study Needs Assessment. View the list of needs assessment centres in your area.
The Study Needs Assessor will work with you to identify your learning needs and make recommendations for support in a Study Needs Assessment Report (SNAR). Once you have agreed the recommendations it will be sent to your funding body and you will receive a letter detailing the support DSA will fund. The Inclusion Team can help you to arrange this support.
Find out more on gov.ukThe medical evidence should state:
- The diagnosis of the disability / mental health difficulty / or medical condition (if the student has more than one disability/condition, please include this information).
- The duration of the symptoms.
- The impact of the condition (and where appropriate, medication) on your learning and day to day activities.
- The likely impact of the condition on studying such as poor attendance, motivation, fatigue and social anxiety.
You can apply for DSA if you have autism or Asperger’s, a long term health or mental health condition, a physical or sensory impairment, mobility difficulties or use a wheelchair which has a significant impact on your ability to study on a day to day basis.
Disability Evidence Form: To be completed and returned by both the student and a medical professional where the student can’t provide enough evidence of their disability for DSA purposes. This will be included in your DSA application.
Disability Evidence FormDSA is also available to students with a specific learning difficulty – SpLD, such as Dyslexia.
Disability Support at Edge Hill University