Proselytising policy
Edge Hill University celebrates and values the diversity provided by individual members of the University community, and aims to create an environment where the cultural, religious and non-religious beliefs of all are respected.
We expect all members of the University community to respect the beliefs and life choices of other people, even when they are very different from their own.
Chaplains will not proselytise any members of the University community to a different or new faith. All chaplains will respect people of all faiths and none.
The principal of moral and emotional freedom of the person shall be adopted in the advertising, invitation and conduct of faith-based events at Edge Hill University and events advertised at the University.
Information may be freely given about events, but there should be no unreasonable pressure applied to people to attend the event. Acceptance or otherwise of the invitation should be free from judgement.
The same principle or autonomy should also apply at the event itself, with no unreasonable pressure being exerted.