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Hall fees and accommodation payments

If you are moving into halls you will have three steps to complete, including paying your hall fees.

  1. Sign your e-licence agreement within five days of receiving your room offer.
  2. Pay £150 Advanced Residence Fee with five working days of signing your e-licence agreement.
  3. Set up your hall fees payment plan after 24 hours (or next working day) after signing your e-licence agreement and paying your Advance Residence Fee.

You can pay your hall fees online with a debit or credit card in one of two ways:

  1. Pay in full. You can pay your hall fees upfront in one transaction.*
  2. Pay in instalments. You can set up a Recurring Card Payment (RCP) so that your fees will be taken in instalments.

*Please note: Hall fees discount previously offered to those who pay in full is no longer available.

If you intend to pay your accommodation fees with your student funding, please note that once you are registered onto your course, your first instalment will be received in three to five working days. In the event that you need to make an additional payment outside of your payment plan, it can be made online.

Further information and contact details

Hall fees and guidance FAQS