This course is for those with very little or no knowledge of the language, or those who have a GCSE grade 3 (D) or below in the language.
10 weeks
Thursday 17 October – Thursday 19 December 2024
6 – 8pm
Mode of delivery
Face to face
To be confirmed
EHU student: free (sign up required, fee of £100 will be covered by the Student Opportunity Fund (SOF) EHU staff: free (sign up required) Member of the public: £190
Prices for the 10 week course in 2024/25.
Full course information
Entry criteria
This course is for those with very little or no knowledge of the language, or those who have a GCSE grade 3 (D) or below in the language.
Emphasis is set on:
achieving a basic level of communication in all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
developing confidence and a degree of accuracy when using the language in a limited range of everyday situations encountered when interacting with sympathetic native speakers
stimulating interest in countries where the language is spoken
What will you do in the weekly sessions?
Students will practise listening, speaking, reading and writing in the sessions. You will take part actively in group, pair work, and role plays.
Tutors will cover the following content, which will be tailored to each group’s needs.
Greetings and introductions Asking questions in class, asking meaning of words The alphabet Formal/informal forms of address
Requesting and giving personal information about yourself: saying where you live, where you’re from, your nationality and address. Nationalities Numbers 0-20. Adjective gender and definite articles
Requesting and giving personal information about others in the 3rd person (name, nationality, origin, residence) Talking about languages and level of linguistic knowledge Present tense of regular verbs 20-100
Describing occupation and places of work Asking for and saying one’s age Interrogative words Prepositions and indefinite articles
Ordering in bars and restaurants Talking about food and drink The culture of coffee in Italy Plural forms Irregular verbs
Asking politely for missing items in a restaurant Asking for the bill Booking a table over the phone
Talking about free time and leisure activities Expressing how often one does an activity. Days of the weeks
Expressing likes and dislikes. Indicating agreement or disagreement Asking for and saying the time Verb piacere
Checking into a hotel Asking about facilities and services in a hotel Saying the date and using date ranges Months of the year Prepositions to express time
Complaining about problems in a hotel room Learning about other forms of holiday accommodations Christmas in Italy Ordinal numbers Numbers 100+
Independent learning
You will greatly progress by reinforcing the topics covered in the group with private study.
Materials will be provided by your tutor and these will be available on the Blackboard organization.
Italian Beginners 2 (January – April 2025)
This course is for those who have completed Italian Beginners 1 (equivalent of 20 hours of tuition) or equivalent.
10 weeks
Thursday 30 January – Thursday 3 April 2025
6 – 8pm
Mode of delivery
Face to face
To be confirmed
EHU student: free (sign up required, fee of £100 will be covered by the Student Opportunity Fund (SOF) EHU staff: free (sign up required) Member of the public: £190
Prices for the 10 week course in 2024/25.
Full course information
Entry criteria
This course is for those who have completed Italian Beginners 1 (equivalent of 20 hours of tuition) or equivalent.
Emphasis is set on:
reinforcing and extending content from Italian Beginners 1
achieving a practical level of communication in all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
developing greater confidence and accuracy when using the language in a limited range of situations
stimulating interest in countries where the language is spoken and deepening understanding of the language
What will you do in the weekly sessions?
Students will practise listening, speaking, reading and writing in the sessions. You will take part actively in pair work, role play, and individual, or group presentations.
Tutors will cover the following content, which will be tailored to each group’s needs.
Revision of introductions Buildings and places in a city Describing what to do and visit in a city. Adjectival agreemenent The partitive dei, delle, degli ….
Saying/ asking where places are in relation to each other. Asking for and understanding directions Prepositional phrases: accanto a, dietro, davanti, Modal verbs potere dovere volere
Talking about different types of holidays Describing a past holiday The passato prossimo tense The absolute superlative
Voc: time expressions for the past (una settimana fa, il mese scorso) Describing the weather Irregular forms of the past participle Double negation The adjective qualche
Talking about one’s eating habits. Doing grocery shopping Indicating quantities Writing a shopping list Quantities and measures The partitive Direct pronouns lo, la, li, le, ne
Talking about typical Italian products and habits Understanding recipe instructions The impersonal construction with si
Describing one’s work habits and working hours Commenting on someone else’s lifestyle Describing and asking about someone’s daily routine. Reflexive verbs More adverbs of frequency
Describing a photo and family tree The relative superlative
Talking and writing about one’s family and family habit. Expressing possession Possessive adjectives mio tuo, …. The use of articles as possessives
Describe wedding gifts. Past of reflexive verbs Revision of all the content for beginners A1 Italian
Independent learning
You will greatly progress by reinforcing the topics covered in the group with private study.
Materials will be provided by your tutor and these will be available on the Blackboard organization.