This course is for those with little or no prior knowledge of the language. It is also suited to those who have a GCSE grade 3 (D) or below in the language.
10 weeks
Thursday 17 October – Thursday 19 December 2024
6 – 8pm
Mode of delivery
Face to face
To be confirmed
EHU student: free (sign up required, fee of £100 will be covered by the Student Opportunity Fund (SOF) EHU staff: free (sign up required) Member of the public: £190
Prices for the 10 week course in 2023/24.
Full course information
Entry criteria
This course is for those with little or no previous knowledge of the language. It is also suited to those who may have a GCSE grade 3 (D) or below in the language.
Emphasis is set on:
achieving a basic level of communication in all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
developing confidence and a degree of accuracy when using the language in a limited range of everyday situations encountered when interacting with sympathetic native speakers
stimulating interest in countries where the language is spoken
What will you do in the weekly sessions?
Students will practise listening, speaking, reading and writing in the sessions. You will take part actively in group, pair work, and role plays.
Tutors will cover the following content, which will be tailored to each group’s needs.
Introduction to course Greetings and saying goodbye Introducing yourself Asking questions Numbers 1-10 Ich and du : verb endings Pronunciation Verbs: heißen, machen, studieren, wohnen Wie, was, wo?
Asking for and giving names and phone numbers Spelling names Du & sie Dein/e & ihr/e Kommen (aus) Woher? Wie? Alphabet
Asking and saying how you are Saying where you come from Vocab: European countries Describing locations of towns Talking about other people 3rd person sing pronouns and verb endings Verbs: sein, liegen Negating with nicht
Numbers 11- 100 Giving addresses and emails Saying which languages you speak Interviewing others and giving information about yourself (work, marital status, etc) Vocab: languages; nationalities (male and female forms) Verbs with vowel change (sprechen) Können (used with direct object)
Answering questions and giving information to strangers
Buildings and places in a city Describing jobs and occupations
Talking about yourself and others – ich and wir Using du and ihr Vocab: uni subjects Plural pronouns wir, ihr, sie + verb endings
Numbers 101 upwards All verb endings Some noun plurals
Describing every day and leisure activities Vowel change verbs: lesen, essen
Christmas vocab Christmas in Germany Dinner for one
Independent learning
You will progress further by reinforcing the topics covered in the group with private study.
Materials will be provided by your tutor and these will be available on the Blackboard organization.
This course is for those who have completed German Beginners 1 (equivalent 20 hours of tuition) or equivalent.
10 weeks
Thursday 30 January – Thursday 3 April 2025
6 – 8pm
Mode of delivery
Face to face
To be confirmed
EHU student: free (sign up required, fee of £100 will be covered by the Student Opportunity Fund (SOF) EHU staff: free (sign up required) Member of the public: £190
Prices for the 10 week course in 2023/24.
Full course information
Entry criteria
This 10 week course is aimed at those who have completed German Beginners 1 (equivalent 20 hours of tuition) or equivalent.
Emphasis is set on:
reinforcing and extending content from Beginners 1
achieving a practical level of communication in all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
developing greater confidence and accuracy when using the language in a limited range of situations
stimulating interest in countries where the language is spoken and deepening understanding of the language
What will you do in the weekly sessions?
Students will practise listening, speaking, reading and writing in the sessions. You will take part actively in group, pair work, and role plays.
Tutors will cover the following content, which will be tailored to each group’s needs.
Revision of personal introductions Saying what you like and don’t doing Using gern/ nicht gern Negatives with kein/e
Talking about family Vocab: family members Preposition von for ‘s 3rd person singular possessives Accusative case Noun plurals
Asking the way Asking about places in town Ordering in a café Vocab: drinks, verbs for ordering (nehmen, bekommen, möchten) Imperatives with sie Es gibt The accusative case Accusative articles
Talking about what food and drink you like, don’t like and prefer Asking for things at a counter in a supermarket Asking about prices Vocab: food, packages, quantities, shops Gern, lieber
Saying where you are going Vocab: expressions of frequency Questions with wohin? In + accusative
Asking for and booking a hotel room Asking for and giving the time using “nach” “vor” “halb” 24-hour clock time Vocab: days of the week, time expressions, parts of the day Word order (verb second)
Talking about daily routine using times Talking about what you eat and drink at different meals Separable verbs Word order with separable verbs
Going out, saying what you can do in a city Types of shops Können, müssen, möchten + verb
Making simple phone calls Arranging to meet Word order with 2 verbs In / auf + accusative
Recap of all the content of A1 beginner course
Independent learning
You will progress further by reinforcing the topics covered in the group with private study.
Materials will be provided by your tutor and these will be available on the Blackboard organization.