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Conversation Workshops

Our Conversation Workshops are led by student volunteers who are proficient speakers of the target language. This is an exciting way to meet new people and to improve your speaking skills in your chosen language


Language volunteers

  • Share their language and culture with others
  • Assist others with their language development  
  • Help others develop their skills and confidence in speaking a foreign language
  • Gain communication skills by providing students with supportive feedback
  • Can add this experience to their CV
  • Meet other members of the university

Student learners

  • Become more confident in speaking a foreign language at no extra cost
  • Meet natives
  • Get to know the culture
  • Improve pronunciation
  • Consolidate what has been learnt in class in an informal and relaxed environment
Language DayTime Room
German (open to all levels)Mondays (Starting 21/10/2024)15:00-16:00CE.003 (ground floor of Creative Edge)
Spanish (open to all levels)Fridays (Starting 25/10/2024)12:00-13:00CE.003 (ground floor of Creative Edge)
French (open to all levels)Wednesdays (Starting 23/10/2024)14:00-15:00CE.003 (ground floor of Creative Edge)
Japanese (open to all levels)Thursdays (Starting 24/10/2024)12:00-12:50CE.225 (second floor of Creative Edge)
Italian (open to all levels)Wednesdays (Starting 06/11/2024)13:30-14:30GEO.003 (ground floor of Geoscience)
Find out more about learning a language