Explore political concepts, systems and communications alongside the foundations of legal knowledge. Gain a qualifying law degree and develop your practical skills on our LLB (Hons) Law with Politics programme.
At the heart of this course is the idea that future lawyers will need to have knowledge of national, European and international laws and institutions. Our modern LLB (Hons) Law with Politics programme is designed to provide you with a thorough foundation of legal knowledge, whilst also equipping you with transferable skills needed for your future career. As a Law with Politics student you will study the foundations of English Law and will specialise in politics. You will study a rich and diverse range of modules from Contemporary US Politics to International Law.
You’ll be embarking on an immersive learning experience, with opportunities to practise your mooting and negotiation skills in our on-campus Moot Court Room, provide legal advice to the community in our Law Clinic or act as a criminal defence lawyer in our ‘Crime House’.
You will also benefit from being taught by current and former legal practitioners and internationally recognised academics and can take advantage of our extensive industry links.
At our School, we pride ourselves on providing not only an excellent academic experience but also a supportive environment where you can thrive. We offer a broad range of extra-curricular activities to enhance your university experience, which includes Work Placement opportunities, Careers Fairs, Insight Days, Panel Events, our Student Law Society, Politics Lab, wellbeing weeks, commercial awareness programmes, opportunities to participate in external competitions and educational visits to Inns, conferences and courts of law, such as the UK Supreme Court and the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
A qualifying law degree
The degree fulfils the first academic component required by the Bar Standards Board to become a barrister, while also providing a strong foundation to embark on the new routes of qualifying as a solicitor through the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
Bar Standards Board Solicitors Regulation Authority
In Year 1, you will study a number of compulsory modules to ensure you learn the fundamentals of law. During this year, you will be introduced to the political process, political institutions, and political ideas, the English legal system, legal reasoning and legal analysis, and the principles that regulate legally binding agreements. You will also study the law of civil liabilities. You will also have the option to study a language module during one of your years of study.
Law of Contract introduces principles that regulate legally binding agreements. The module examines when the law recognises agreements as binding and how such agreements are formed. You will look at the means and pretexts by which contracting parties may seek to escape from the obligations they have undertaken and different remedies that the law makes available when such obligations are breached.
Module code: LAW1003
Credits: 20
Law of Torts
Law of Torts introduces you to the law of civil liabilities, examining the objectives of the system as well as the main areas such as negligence, trespass, occupiers’ and employers’ liability, vicarious liability, defamation and privacy. The subject is largely based on case law.
Module code: LAW1005
Credits: 20
Introduction to Political Concepts and Theory
Introduction to Political Concepts and Theory explores the foundations of political analysis and the concepts, approaches and methods through which we understand the subject. You will critically examine the core ideas central to the study of politics. You will address the nature of the state and sovereignty, and will gain a deeper, critical understanding of power, systems of governance and political legitimacy.
Module code: POL1001
Credits: 20
UK Politics - Issues and Challenges Since 1979
UK Politics - Issues and Challenges Since 1979 will explore UK Politics, and the changes it has undergone, in the period from the 1979 election onwards. You will cover a range of issues such as the Brexit Referendum, the creation of the Social Democratic Party, the miners' strike and the 2010 Coalition. This module will provide you with a foundation for further study at a more advanced level and will complement other modules focusing on particular aspects of politics and the political profession.
Module code: POL1004
Credits: 20
Legal Methods and Systems
Legal Methods and Systems examines the sources of English law, and explains the processes and the role and functions of the institutions and personnel involved in the English legal system. The module provides a foundation of legal knowledge, and introduces you to legal reasoning, legal analysis and legal study skills which you can apply in your subsequent legal study.
Lawyers’ Skills lays the foundations for the development of a number of skills and competences related to working in the legal professions. The module introduces you to a number of aspects of the practical curriculum delivered on a Legal Practice Course and a Bar Professional Training Course.
Module code: LAW1006
Credits: 20
Language 1
Language 1 is ideal if you want to learn a new language, or further develop your current language skills, as an integrated part of this degree. You can study French, German, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese or Spanish (subject to minimum numbers for your preferred language). Delivered at the Edge Hill Language Centre, the module will be taught in an interactive, communicative manner, using authentic materials in the target language. Emphasis will be placed on all four areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will play an active role in the weekly two-hour classes, engaging in role-plays, short conversations, videos, authentic texts and listening materials. You will also be encouraged to reflect on your own learning needs. On enrolment to the module, you will complete a language induction form and be placed into a language level group appropriate for your prior knowledge of your chosen language. Please note, while we will endeavour to accommodate varying language levels per module, this is not always possible. While you can join the module with some prior experience of your target language, you will not be able to study a language you are already fluent or proficient in.
Module code: TLC1010
Credits: 20
Modules in Year 2 cover a variety of areas that will allow you to examine the law that regulates the relationship between citizens and government, and provide you with an understanding of the key principles of land law and criminal law. You will also explore the political and governmental systems of a number of major European States and examine recent political developments in one such state in depth.
Criminal Law explores the substantive criminal law in England and Wales. The module combines the basic notions and framework of criminal liability with a detailed consideration of a range of specific criminal offences.
Module code: LAW2002
Credits: 20
Land Law
Land Law will provide you with an understanding of the key principles of property law which underpin the day-to-day management and control of land ownership, use and transaction, and enable you to place those dealings within the social context.
Module code: LAW2005
Credits: 20
Public Law 1
Public Law 1 introduces you to the fundamental constitutional principles of public law and demonstrates how these principles are realised in the UK and how an evaluation may be made of the UK’s adherence to these principles. The module also examines some of the unique or unusual characteristics of the UK constitution.
Comparative European Politics examines the government and politics of France, Germany, Italy, Greece and Poland on a comparative basis. The module will explore in a systematic manner through the application of a number of theoretical models the nature of the systems of government and politics in the three states.
Module code: POL2001
Credits: 20
Contemporary US Politics
Contemporary US Politics looks at politics in the US today and in the recent past. It focuses on major trends and key developments while exploring in some detail the key institutions relevant to US politics. Focusing on the US politics from the Reagan presidency onwards, the aim is to equip you with an understanding of one of the major ‘theatres of politics’. You will explore key aspects of recent presidencies, the development of the role of Vice President, the US candidate selection system, the funding of political campaigns, the operation of Congress and State Houses, legislative processes, trends in party management and development, as well as any emerging news stories.
Module code: POL2005
Credits: 20
Elections and Voting Systems
Elections and Voting Systems looks at elections and voting systems across a range of countries. Anyone wanting to work in a political environment needs an understanding of how elections work and the significance of any changes. It was, for example, a system change in the Labour Party, as part of the Collins Review in 2014, that made it possible for Jeremy Corbyn to be elected. The module analyses the importance of each system and focuses on the many pressures for change in terms of who votes and when. The countries will be chosen in a way which provides a good range of systems and makes use of current events.
Module code: POL2006
Credits: 20
Global and National Capital and Labour in the 20th Century
Global and National Capital and Labour in the 20th Century will explore the connection between capital and labour, both nationally and internationally, enabling you to understand the complex, ever-changing relationships. You'll gain a greater understanding of the complicated relationship between the two, and the various influences upon that relationship. You'll explore some of the historical and contemporary events that have shaped capital, labour, and the economy, from the French Revolution to the 2008 global financial crash, although mostly with a focus on the ‘long’ 20th Century. You'll study some of the theoretical and practical arguments underpinning this relationship, and conduct research on both national and international case studies.
Module code: POL2009
Credits: 20
Party Politics at Home and Abroad
Party Politics at Home and Abroad looks at the reasons political parties exist, how and why they are born, how they develop, how and why they decline and die. You will study the relationships between parties and the challenges posed to mainstream parties by niche and challenger organisations. You will also focus on how we categorise and analyse parties. You will be using examples from the UK and from a range of other countries. These other countries may vary year on year to take account of current events or recent developments.
Module code: POL2008
Credits: 20
Political Ideologies
Political Ideologies explores the principle ideas, significance and impact of the major political ideologies in contemporary political life. The module first considers the nature of political ideology and then proceeds to examine and critique each system of ideas and consider the context that shaped their birth, development and evolution. You will also examine the ways in which political ideologies influence or determine political choices in contemporary societies.
Module code: POL2003
Credits: 20
Politics and International Relations Self Directed Study
Politics and International Relations Self Directed Study allows you to focus on a particular Politics and International Relations agreed topic or focus and explore it with tutorial support. You will produce a particular research project based piece of work that comprises the agreed focus of the assessment, and a learning diary that demonstrates a reflective approach to the study. Your study will involve not only desk research such as library searches but information retrieval from a range of primary sources (such as for example UN Security Council meeting notes or Hansard transcripts). You will develop your self-directed learning skills and build on the foundations of your academic studies in a focused, applied and reflective fashion.
Module code: POL2011
Credits: 20
Preparing for Work in Politics
Preparing for Work in Politics looks at the various activities which make up the world of work (both paid and unpaid) in politics. It will enable you to begin thinking about your potential place in this vast area. Focus will be placed on current examples of particular pieces of political work, for example party management, internal reform, selection campaigns, conference organisation, and motion and policy writing. You will also examine a variety of roles, from elected representatives to MPs’ assistants, think tank researchers, civil service staff, political bloggers, party activists and campaigners. The aim is to help you better understand a variety of areas of politics and identify those in which you have an interest and may wish to explore further.
Module code: POL2007
Credits: 20
The Politics of Migration
The Politics of Migration acknowledges that migration is one of the key paradigms of the 21st century. To understand many of the trends and events in the world today, it is necessary to understand what migration is, how it is represented and ‘managed’, and how it is experienced, whether directly or indirectly. The module will introduce you to a range of theoretical traditions of migration, as well as a variety of case studies from both the UK and overseas, to enable you to understand and analyse a phenomenon that is highly relevant in contemporary politics.
Business and Company Law provides you with an understanding of key principles of business law and company law, relating to business and commerce. The module includes a practical examination of company formation and decision-making, together with the respective roles of shareholders and directors.
Module code: LAB2001
Credits: 20
External Law Competitions
External Law Competitions prepares you for external competitions. You'll learn of advocacy, legal drafting and legal research. You'll work in teams and test your legal knowledge and skills against other universities in the UK and abroad. The module will allow you to develop skills required for the legal profession, and other roles in which problem-solving, teamwork, advocacy, negotiating or drafting are key requirements.
Module code: LAW2032
Credits: 20
International Law
International Law is an important subject due to the globalisation of society. It is the law that governs relationships between states and the activities of international institutions, including the United Nations and European Union. During the module you will consider areas such as the settlement of disputes, title to territory, diplomatic relations, the law of the sea, human rights, and the law governing international trade agreements. You’ll also be encouraged to consider what international law is, who it applies to, who regulates the application of international law and why anyone should comply with it.
Module code: LAW2068
Credits: 20
Media Law
Media Law has been designed to provide you with an understanding of how the law applies to areas of the media. You will gain a working knowledge of current laws that govern libel, social media, privacy, malicious communications, and contempt of court. You’ll also explore press regulation and how it will develop in the current publishing climate. Through study of this module you will learn how to both ‘know’ and ‘apply’ the law, two of the essential requirements for those wishing to enter the legal profession. As well as preparing you to specialise in the legal practice of media law, the module is also ideal for career areas including journalism, broadcasting and website administration.
Module code: LAW2066
Credits: 20
Public Law in Practice
Public Law in Practice equips you with a good understanding of the process involved in bringing a claim for judicial review. Judicial review is a way of challenging how an organisation carries out a public function. It is a specialised type of legal proceeding. Unlike private law which involves a dispute over a person’s rights and obligations, judicial review has a wider public importance because it is about ensuring the state does not exceed the powers given to it by law. This difference means that special rules apply to judicial review. The court’s role is to look at whether a decision was lawfully available to the body which made it. Exploring the three stages of judicial review, from pre-action protocol to the permission and substantive stages, this module will enable you to develop the skills of locating learning resources and engaging in case and statute analysis, legal reasoning, criticism, and oral presentation and argument.
Module code: LAW2028
Credits: 20
Sports Law
Sports Law is a growing sector with ever expanding employment opportunities in legal practice and sports administration. On this module you will examine the public and private faces of sports law. The public face considers how the law is applied within a sporting context, including the areas of criminal law, tort law and employment law. Exploring the private face will allow you to look at the self-regulatory aspects of sports law, including the requirement that sporting disputes are submitted to arbitration rather than be litigated. You will also study whether the public face is impeding the development of the private face of sports law and if there is need for greater self-regulation.
Module code: LAW2069
Credits: 20
Work Placement
Work Placement develops your employability skills by engaging you in work experience, either with industry (whether legal or non-legal) or with a voluntary organisation. After a few weeks of preparation for your placement, the placement will typically run throughout the second year of the course, commencing in October and running through until the end of April. Following completion of the placement, you will compile a reflective report illustrating the skills and experience demonstrated and acquired. This will include highlighting how these attributes will inform and enhance your graduate portfolio.
Module code: LAW2031
Credits: 20
Language 2
Language 2 is ideal if you want to learn a new language, or further develop your current language skills, as an integrated part of this degree. You can study French, German, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese or Spanish (subject to minimum numbers for your preferred language). Delivered at the Edge Hill Language Centre, the module will be taught in an interactive, communicative manner, using authentic materials in the target language. Emphasis will be placed on all four areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will play an active role in the weekly two-hour classes, engaging in role-plays, short conversations, videos, authentic texts and listening materials. You will also be encouraged to reflect on your own learning needs. On enrolment to the module, you will complete a language induction form and be placed into a language level group appropriate for your prior knowledge of your chosen language. Please note, while we will endeavour to accommodate varying language levels per module, this is not always possible. While you can join the module with some prior experience of your target language, you will not be able to study a language you are already fluent or proficient in.
Module code: TLC2000
Credits: 20
In Year 3, you will study a combination of compulsory and optional modules. You will examine the key principles of equity and trusts, the nature and role of strategic political communications, the fundamentals of European Union law, and the relationships between national and EU legal orders. You can then choose from a range of specialised optional modules, including human rights, family, sports, intellectual property and international peace and security law. Taking the Law Clinic Experience module provides the opportunity to work in the department’s Pro-Bono Law Clinic and offer legal advice under the supervision of qualified solicitors.
Equity and Trusts examines the fundamental principles of the law relating to trusts and equitable ownership of property. It also considers the role and responsibilities of trustees and other fiduciaries.
Module code: LAW3053
Credits: 20
European Union Constitutional Law
European Union Constitutional Law examines the Constitutional Law of the European Union and the nature of the relationship with national legal orders. The module explores the nature and effects of the legal relationship and examines in particular the doctrines, principles, legal instruments, competences, institutions and rights recognised and conferred by EU Law and the law making process in the European Union.
Alternative Dispute Resolution recognises the importance of an understanding of the legal principles, processes and procedures of alternative dispute resolution. This module will consider arbitration, mediation and negotiation as alternative methods of dispute resolution. It will provide an understanding of the law and practice of arbitration in England and Wales generally. It will also explain the fundamental principles of arbitration, mediation and negotiation, consider the Arbitration Act 1996 and contemplate the role of the courts in the arbitral process A case study of an arbitration process will be included.
Module code: LAW3054
Credits: 20
Artificial Intelligence and Technology Law
Artificial Intelligence and Technology Law provides you with comprehensive insight into the theoretical and regulatory frameworks of technology governance and artificial intelligence. You'll be able to critically evaluate leading governance theories and deepen your understanding of fundamental AI concepts and principles. You will also improve your proficiency in the specialised vocabulary and analytical methods within IT and cyberspace studies.
Module code: LAW3100
Credits: 20
Civil Litigation
Civil Litigation provides you with a practical understanding of civil procedure in England and Wales. The module will examine how the civil courts operate in the management and disposal of cases proceeding before them, as well as considering the general principles of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and the Court's approach to this. You will examine the practical issues that arise from the start of a case until its ultimate conclusion and will explore the key stages of civil claims. You will develop various legal skills and consider issues of professional conduct which are frequently encountered in civil practice and which are essential for work in this area of legal practice.
Module code: LAW3062
Credits: 20
Criminal Law in Practice
Criminal Law in Practice equips you with a good understanding of the vital service provided by duty solicitors. The Criminal Justice system in the UK controls the behaviour of citizens and helps citizens understand the effects of their actions through punishment and rehabilitation of those who violate the laws. This area of law is regulated by the Criminal Procedure Rules and legislation including the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) 1984. PACE regulates the power of police and sets out rules regarding the detention and interrogation of suspects. The role of a criminal defence duty solicitor is to help suspects when detained at the police station. The duty solicitor is an advocate who ensures that the offender's legal rights are observed and that proper legal advice is given. The duty solicitor explains what is likely to happen in the case, discuss the evidence that the police have, the strengths of the evidence and whether the evidence is strong enough for the suspect to be charged. The duty solicitor advises the suspect at the police interview and provides the suspect with legal advice. This module will guide you in how to conduct interviews and to request disclosure from police. You will also learn PACE rules that regulate police interviews and applications for bail, as well as about criminal procedure rules.
Module code: LAW3222
Credits: 20
Digital Policing and Cybercrime
Digital Policing and Cyber Crime equips you with an understanding of the complexities of digital policing and digitally facilitated crimes. You will be introduced to key terminology associated with digital technology and gain an insight into how technology can be used in everyday policing and criminal investigations. Legislation and regulations relevant to the use of technology within digital policing and digitally facilitated crimes will be examined and applied to offences such as hate crime, sexting, revenge porn, bullying, harassment, child grooming and fraud. The module also explores how digitally facilitated crimes are reported to the police and assesses the impact that these crimes have on individuals and their families. You will investigate how criminals engage in complex digital crimes such as hacking, malware attacks, denial of service and data manipulation and consider the impact this can have on individuals and businesses.
Module code: PLN3003
Credits: 20
Dissertation is designed to allow you to carry out a substantial piece of self-directed legal research. The topic of your research may draw on the practical experience of the law gained in an appropriate work placement.
Module code: LAW3035
Credits: 20
Employment Law
Employment Law deals with an important business resource, namely its employees and one of the most important forms of exchange between business and clients, namely contracts for the sale and exchange of goods.
Module code: LAW3036
Credits: 20
European Union Substantive Law
European Union Substantive Law examines some of the core areas of the substantive law of the European Union. The module focuses on the law relating to the four freedoms and competition law in the context of the regulatory development of the EU Internal Market.
Module code: LAW3052
Credits: 20
External Law Competitions
External Law Competitions prepares you for external competitions. You'll learn of advocacy, legal drafting and legal research. You'll work in teams and test your legal knowledge and skills against other universities in the UK and abroad. The module will allow you to develop skills required for the legal profession, and other roles in which problem-solving, teamwork, advocacy, negotiating or drafting are key requirements.
Module code: LAW3061
Credits: 20
Family Law
Family Law examines the main areas of substantive law and social policy pertaining to the family. The focus is on the ‘family’ and the rights and obligations of the adults within it.
Module code: LAW3037
Credits: 20
Human Rights
Human Rights introduces you to the assessment of the nature of human rights claims and their translation into law and legal institutions. It charts the emergence of human rights arguments through legal, social and political theory, and examines how these discourses have informed the creation of national and international law.
Module code: LAW3038
Credits: 20
International Business Law
International Business Law examines some of the legal aspects governing the organisation and regulation of private international business, especially multi-national corporations.
Module code: LAW3040
Credits: 20
International Criminal Law
International Criminal Law analyses the key principles of international criminal law. It examines legislation and prosecution of international crimes such as genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and aggression.
Module code: LAW3041
Credits: 20
International Peace and Security
International Peace and Security examines the international legal aspects of the international community's efforts to maintain international peace and security. The module explores the 'law before war' known as jus ad bellum, including the prohibition of force, the principle of non-intervention, and the powers and role of the relevant United Nations organs in settling or responding to international disputes and situations. It will also give you an insight into rights of states in self-defence, and the international community's roles and responsibilities in responding to mass atrocity crimes under the 'Responsibility to Protect'.
Module code: LAW3221
Credits: 20
Intellectual Property Law
Intellectual Property Law critically examines the key principles of intellectual property (IP) law, the nature and scope of IP rights, procedures, national, regional and international, for the granting and recognition of the rights, mechanisms for enforcement, as well as defences against the enforcement.
Module code: LAW3039
Credits: 20
International Sports Law
International Sports Law examines the complex pattern of international regulatory frameworks affecting sport. It explores the role of sport in society and assesses the claims that sport should be self-regulating.
Module code: LAW3042
Credits: 20
Law Clinic Experience Module
Law Clinic Experience Module provides you with the opportunity to further develop and apply a number of the practical aspects of being employed in the legal professions.
Module code: LAW3044
Credits: 20
Law of Evidence
Law of Evidence examines the procedural framework which regulates the conduct of the adversarial trial. The main focus are the main rules of evidence which govern the conduct of a criminal trial and the extent to which the rules are an expression of the relationship between the interests of the state and the rights of the individual within the criminal justice system.
Module code: LAW3045
Credits: 20
Media Law
Media Law examines current laws governing libel, social media, privacy, malicious communications and contempt of court. It explores these rules within the context of areas such as press regulation, the regulation of the internet and the regulation of media broadcasting.
Module code: LAW3046
Credits: 20
Mediation introduces you to the skills of a mediator and the principles of conflict resolution. The civil justice system in England and Wales provides a forum for resolving civil disputes, however this is adversarial, promotes a 'winner takes all' philosophy, and can be costly and time consuming. Increasingly, alternative dispute resolution methods, of which mediation is one, are being used to resolve disputes instead of court proceedings. The Civil Justice Council in its report of June 2021 recommended the introduction of compulsory mediation for civil disputes before a dispute is brought to court. Legal and judicial initiatives point to an increased use of mediation as part of the civil justice process in the future. This module will introduce you to the skills of a mediator and the principles of conflict resolution. It will provide you with an understanding of the role and practice of a mediator and the service that the mediator provides to parties who are in dispute. It will guide you through the process of preparation for a mediation, introduce the communication skills required to facilitate a negotiation between the parties, guide you in how to manage a mediation process, and provide an understanding of a mediator's ethical obligations and practice.
Module code: LAW3058
Credits: 20
Private Client
Private Client provides you with a contextualised understanding of private client matters. You will develop a sound understanding and critical awareness of the range of matters that may be encountered within a private client department.
Module code: LAW3101
Credits: 20
Property Law in Practice
Property Law in Practice introduces you to conveyancing, the process of transferring ownership of property from one person to another. Conveyancing is a generic term that describes property transactions whether they are in respect of residential or commercial property. The basic rules and principles of conveyancing apply regardless of the nature of the property. This module will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge of the rules and principles required to complete a residential property transaction. You will develop this knowledge so that you will be able to provide advice and assistance to a client in relation to each of the critical stages of a property transaction.
Module code: LAW3057
Credits: 20
Public International Law
Public International Law examines the law governing relations between states. It is concerned with questions such as the settlement of disputes, title to territory, diplomatic relations, human rights, the law of the sea, legal restraints on the use of force, and the law governing international commercial/trade agreements.
Module code: LAW3047
Credits: 20
Refugee Law
Refugee Law analyses the legal obligations nation states owe to refugees and migrants. It examines the pertinent International and European Union legislation with attention to both the legal norms and the actual practice.
Module code: LAW3048
Credits: 20
Tax Law
Tax Law provides you with a solid grounding in the law and principles relating to taxation, including the taxation of business. It provides you with a general understanding of the operation of the tax system, to enable you to analyse accurately the tax consequences of a given set of facts, and to make critical assessments of the law covered in the module.
Module code: LAW3050
Credits: 20
Language 3
Language 3 enables you to build on and develop your previous language knowledge in French, German, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin or Spanish. You must have either studied the prior language module in the previous year or be able to demonstrate equivalent knowledge of your target language (though you will not be able to study a language you are already fluent or proficient in). The language levels available will be determined by the continuation of corresponding groups from the previous language module. You will gain the language skills necessary to become a more proficient user of the language. Classes will be taught in an interactive and communicative manner using authentic materials to promote meaningful communication. They will be conducted in the target language as much as possible. Emphasis will be on speaking and listening, with appropriate attention also being paid to other communication skills. Other work will include a variety of tasks which may be completed in the Language Centre.
Advanced International Relations - Focus on Asia offers you an opportunity to study in depth the rise and impact in geopolitical terms of either China or India. You will examine relationships with and within relevant organisations (such as BRICS, the G20 and ASEAN). You will further examine the roles played within international organisations such as the United Nations (in the case of China its role within the Security Council). You will explore issues such as Tibet, Hong Kong and Kashmir and the relevance of domestic politics (in both India and China and in other key nations). The module will benefit you if you are looking to seek employment in political roles which involve researching or briefing about IR and Asia.
Module code: POL3011
Credits: 20
Advanced Parliamentary Studies
Advanced Parliamentary Studies equips you with a thorough and deep understanding of the workings of the UK Parliament and Parliamentary systems. The module explores the history, culture and potential future of Parliament, examines aspects of Parliamentary process in-depth, and considers related issues such as regulation and ethics. You will have the opportunity to interact with practitioners from the workforce in the Houses of Parliament.
Module code: POL3006
Credits: 20
Advanced Political and Ethical Theory
Advanced Political and Ethical Theory enables you to undertake focused work on particular thinkers or particular political and ethical traditions. This module is an excellent opportunity to develop your critical skills. You will explore key thinkers such as Rawls, Mill, Hobbes, Marx and Engels and study traditions and approaches such as Utilitarianism, Ethical Egoism, Social Contract Theory, Natural Rights.
Module code: POL3013
Credits: 20
Britain and the European Union
Britain and the European Union critically evaluates the political and legal dynamics behind European integration whilst critically analysing Britain's attitude and relationship with its European neighbours. You will examine the EU's institutional configuration, its policymaking processes and its main policies whilst examining Britain's post-war relationship with the EU including its applications in the 1960's, its accession, its withdrawal and its post-Brexit relationship.
Module code: POL3014
Credits: 20
Global and National Activist Movements
Global and National Activist Movements addresses new forms of grassroots protest movements, often linked to equality movements, and inspired with a collective scepticism for modern democracy and connected by the internet and new forms of online communication. You will examine the activist practices of modern political movements, identify the role of communication and technology and evaluate how successful they have been. You will explore whether the role of communication technologies has been overplayed in these debates and whether it is changes in the political structures of nations that are more important.
Module code: POL3015
Credits: 20
Political Radio Programme
Political Radio Programme involves researching, compiling and then broadcasting a live, hour-long political radio programme. You will also complete individual work around the broadcasting of political content. The module has been designed to bring together a focus on politics and media, enabling you to understand the links between the two worlds and to develop relevant employability skills.
Module code: POL3016
Credits: 20
Politics Work Placement
Politics Work Placement gives you the opportunity to identify, apply for and take part in a work placement in a political or politically related field. The process is supported by politics tutors and a dedicated work placement team. You will also attend preparation and reflection sessions which will focus on themes such as job searches, time management and workplace disciplines, and the specific needs of particular employers.
Module code: POL3004
Credits: 20
Strategic Political Communications
Strategic Political Communications looks in depth at political communication and how it is used by various players in the political arena. It is impossible to understand modern day politics without understanding how politicians and campaign groups communicate. This module builds on your understanding of political systems and practices and analyses pieces of communication in a critical way.
Module code: POL3001
Credits: 20
The Think Tank
The Think Tank looks at the role that think tanks play in politics and influencing policy-making and change. The tasks carried out by think tanks are relevant across a wide range of political, media and other practice. This module provides you with an in-depth understanding of the work of think tanks, as well as practical experience in carrying out that work and producing a product. You will take a policy area, research it in depth, produce policy ideas, identify outlets for pursing those ideas, and produce a product online.
Module code: POL3010
Credits: 20
How you'll study
You will be taught by a mixture of lectures, seminars and workshops.
Joining our LLB Law programme means you’re embarking on an immersive learning experience, with opportunities to practise your mooting and negotiation skills in our on-campus Moot Court Room, provide legal advice to the community in our Law Clinic or act as a criminal defence lawyer in our ‘Crime House’.
All students will also receive support in developing their academic legal skills, as well as transferable skills, through our Legal Skills sessions, Uniskills workshops and Careers Team events.
How you'll be assessed
Throughout the degree there is a combination of different forms of assessment to test intellectual development, vocational capability and critical thinking. Our assessments are also designed to ensure that you acquire a wide range of skills, particularly those required by future employers. You may be assessed via exams, coursework, presentations, practical assessments or a portfolio submission.
All students will receive assessment support in each module and will have access to additional support via Uniskills. You will also receive timely feedback throughout the module and after each assessment.
Who will be teaching you
You will be taught by our highly qualified and experienced team composed of current and former legal practitioners and internationally recognised academics. Staff have practical and research experience across a number of relevant fields including corporate law, sports law, artificial intelligence, financial regulation, litigation, international law, human rights law and employment law.
Timetables for your first week are normally available at the end of August prior to enrolment in September. You can expect to receive your timetable for the rest of the academic year during your first week. Please note that while we make every effort to ensure that timetables are as student-friendly as possible, scheduled teaching can take place on any day of the week. Wednesday afternoons are normally reserved for sports and cultural activities.
Where your course includes optional modules, these are to provide an element of choice within the course curriculum. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by timetabling requirements. Some restrictions on optional module choice or combinations of optional modules may apply.
Your future career
Whether you are planning a career in the legal profession or a career in another field of expertise, our Law with Politics programme will develop and inspire you to reach your career goals.
Our LLB law degrees are qualifying law degrees, so you’ll graduate with the key skills and knowledge required to enter the legal profession. Upon graduating, you can then undertake the required further legal training to become a solicitor or barrister, including our LLM SQE Legal Practice if you wish to qualify as a solicitor.
The transferable skills which you gain from our programmes also mean that a wide variety of doors are open to you whether in the legal sector, criminal justice system, civil service, public relations, accountancy or business and marketing.
Our recent law graduates have secured positions as Senior Crown Prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service, in-house solicitor at BAE Systems, Legal Director at Moderna and barrister at 4 King’s Bench Walk Chambers.
As a School, we are committed to enhancing your employability and helping you to find the right career path for you and that is why 98% of our Law students are employed or in further study 15 months after graduation (Graduate Outcomes data released 2024 from 2021/22 graduates).
Professional development opportunities are embedded into your programme or offered through extra-curricular activities, such as:
Unique, practice-focused modules – e.g. Criminal Law in Practice, Law Clinic Experience, Mediation, Private Client, Civil Litigation.
Work placement opportunities – whether taken as part of our work placement modules or as an extra-curricular activity, there are numerous opportunities to undertake work experience.
Careers fairs, alumni panels, insight days – grow your network and build connections with our specialist School Careers Fair and annual alumni panel events.
Entry criteria
Typical offer 112-120 UCAS Tariff points. No specific subjects are required.
Example offers
A Level
BTEC Extended Diploma (or combination of BTEC QCF qualifications)
Distinction, Merit, Merit (DMM).
T Level
Overall grade of Merit.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
We are happy to accept IB qualifications which achieve the required number of UCAS Tariff points.
Access to Higher Education Diploma
45 credits at Level 3, for example 15 credits at Distinction and 30 credits at Merit or 24 credits at Distinction and 21 credits at Merit. The required total can be attained from various credit combinations.
Please note, the above examples may differ from actual offers made. A combination of A Level and BTEC awards may also be accepted.
If you have a minimum of two A Levels (or equivalent), there is no maximum number of qualifications that we will accept UCAS points from. This includes additional qualifications such as Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), AS Levels that haven't been continued to A Level, and General Studies AS or A Level awards.
English language requirements
International students require IELTS 6.0, with a score no lower than 5.5 in each individual component, or an equivalent English language qualification.
If your current level of English is half a band, one band, or one-and-a-half bands lower, either overall or in one or two elements, you may want to consider our Pre-Sessional English course.
Fair Entry Criteria
Our new Fair Entry Criteria is a Contextual Admissions Policy that takes an applicant’s personal and educational background into account. This policy will allow eligible applicants to receive up to a two-grade reduction in their entry requirements for this course. Find out more and see if you qualify.
Should you accept an offer of a place to study with us and formally enrol as a student, you will be subject to the provisions of the regulations, rules, codes, conditions and policies which apply to our students. These are available at www.edgehill.ac.uk/studentterms.
Did you know?
If you join a full time undergraduate degree at Edge Hill University, we will guarantee you the
offer of a room in our halls of residence for the first year of your course.
The £6m Law and Psychology building provides contemporary teaching and learning facilities for students in the School of Law and Criminal Justice.
The three-storey building includes a 250-seat lecture theatre, seminar and tutorial rooms, and social learning areas which encourage a more informal and interactive style of learning.
It is also where our moot court room and law clinic are located. Law, Policing and Criminal Justice students can train and practice their advocacy skills and cross-examination techniques as well as preparing for giving evidence in court.
Our Police Training and Simulation Facility known as the ‘Crime House’, part of which is furbished as a police station, is used to simulate a wide range of crime scenes, providing students with an immersive learning experience. The ‘Crime House’ includes a mock custody suite, mock living areas, interview rooms, a control room, and a state-of-the-art simulation suite.
This enables Policing, Criminal Justice and Law students to work together on practical exercises, developed by our expert staff and based on real-life scenarios, in areas such as gathering and analysing evidence, (including forensic evidence at crime scenes), practicing interview techniques and supporting mock clients during a police interview.
The University may administer a small inflationary rise in tuition fees, in line with Government policy, in subsequent academic years as you progress through the course.
EU/EEA and Swiss students who have settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, as well as Irish nationals, may be eligible for the UK tuition fee rate.
Financial support
Subject to eligibility, UK students joining this course can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan from the Government to cover the full cost of tuition fees. UK students enrolling on the course may also be eligible to apply for additional funding to help with living costs.
We offer a range of scholarships, which celebrate the determination, commitment and achievement of our students. Many of our scholarships are awarded automatically. There are some however, where you will need to be involved in an application or nomination process. To find out more about our scholarships and check your eligibility, please visit our dedicated scholarships pages.
Money Matters
Please view the relevant Money Matters guide for comprehensive information about the financial support available to eligible UK students.
EU/EEA and Swiss students who have settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme may be eligible to apply for financial support. Irish nationals can ordinarily apply to Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI).
If you are an EU student who does not have settled or pre-settled status, or are an international student from a non-EU country, please see our international student finance pages.
Course changes
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, however our courses are subject to ongoing review and development. Changing circumstances may necessitate alteration to, or the cancellation of, courses.
Changes may be necessary to comply with the requirements of professional bodies, revisions to subject benchmarks statements, to keep courses updated and contemporary, or as a result of student feedback. We reserve the right to make variations if we consider such action to be necessary or in the best interests of students.
Track changes to this course
Assessment method - 4 April 2024
LAW2066 Media Law assessment method changed from 50% Coursework, 50% Exam to 100% Exam.
Assessment method - 22 March 2024
LAW1001 (Legal Methods & Systems) assessment method changed from 50% Exam, 50% Coursework to 100% Exam.
Module additions - 14 March 2024
LAW3062 Civil Litigation, a 20-credit optional module added in Year 3.
LAW3101 Private Client, a 20-credit optional module added in Year 3.
LAB2001 Business and Company Law, a 20-credit optional module added in Year 2.
LAW2032 External Law Competitions, a 20-credit optional module added in Year 2.
LAW3061 External Law Competitions, a 20-credit optional module added in Year 3.
Module additions - 12 March 2024
POL3016 Political Radio Programme, a new 20-credit optional module added in Year 3.
LAW3100 Artificial Intelligence and Technology Law, a new 20-credit optional module added in Year 3.
Assessment methods - 18 December 2023
LAW3042 International Sports Law assessment method changed from 50% Coursework, 50% Exam to 50% Coursework, 50% Practical.
First year module changes - 4 October 2023
• POL1004 UK Politics – Issues and Challenges since 1979 added as a compulsory first year module
• POL1002 Introduction to Political Systems and Institutions removed as a compulsory first year module.
Second year module changes - 4 October 2023
• POL2001 Comparative European Politics changed from a compulsory to optional second year module.
• LAW2063 Company Law removed as an optional second year module.
• POL2008 Party Politics at Home and Abroad added as an optional second year module.
• POL2009 Global and National Capital and Labour in the 20th Century added as an optional second year module.
• POL2011 Politics and International Relations Self Directed Study added as an optional second year module
• POL2002 Policy Making and Researching Politics removed as an optional second year module.
• SPY2135 Broken Britain removed as an optional second year module.
Third year module changes - 4 October 2023
• POL3001 Strategic Political Communications removed as a compulsory third year module.
• LAW3033 Company Law removed as an optional third year module.
• LAW3039 Sports Law removed as an optional third year module.
• Number of optional third year modules changed from 2 to 4.
• POL3007 A is for Activism removed as an optional third year module.
• POL3001 Strategic Political Communications added as an optional third year module.
• POL3011 Advanced International Relations – Focus on Asia added as an optional third year module.
• POL3013 Advanced Political and Ethical Theory added as an optional third year module.
• POL3014 Britain and the European Union added as an optional third year module.
• POL3015 Global and National Activist Movements added as an optional third year module.
Change of assessment methods - 28 June 2023
LAW1005 (Law of Torts, 20 credits) assessment type changed from Exam 70%, Practical 30% to Exam 70%, Coursework 30%.
LAW3036 (Employment Law, 20 credits) assessment type changed from 50% Exam, 50% Coursework to 100% Exam.
POL2005 (Contemporary US Politics, 20 credits) assessment type changed from 30% Practical, 70% Coursework to 100% Coursework.
Module removal - 9 May 2023
LAW2008 (Public Law 2) removed as a second year optional module.
Optional modules - 5 May 2023
LAW2063 (Company Law), LAW2066 (Media Law), LAW2068 (International Law) and LAW2069 (Sports Law) added as second year optional modules.
Module changed from compulsory to optional. - 13 April 2023
LAW3052 (EU Substantive Law) changed from compulsory to optional module.
Optional module removed - 13 April 2023
PLN3006 (Counter Terrorism) removed as optional module.