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Postgraduate Midwifery

If you are already registered as a nurse in adult care, our 20-month MSc Midwifery enables you to gain dual registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council as a midwife.

Specialising in maternal and neonatal care, you will apply your nursing skills to the standards specific to midwifery, gaining expertise in supporting women and their families through the childbirth continuum.

The programme focuses on normal reproductive physiology, during pregnancy and childbirth, alongside potential complications, including clinical skills provision for women with complex care needs.

Got questions? You may find the answer in our Nursing and midwifery placement FAQs.

Apply to study at Edge Hill University

Ready to apply? Find out more about the application routes for postgraduate study, including applying to GOV.UK and directly to Edge Hill University.

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The Faculty of Health and Social Care is one of the leading providers of education and training for health and social care professionals in the North West of England.

The innovative £14m Faculty of Health and Social Care building provides outstanding teaching and learning resources. These include leading edge clinical skills facilities, ten teaching rooms, an 860-seat lecture theatre and a number of social learning spaces.

The clinical skills facilities include ward simulations and operating theatres with industry standard equipment, as well as robot-style mannequins that can simulate a wide range of symptoms, from pregnancy to a temperature, to ensure your learning experience is as realistic as possible.

Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine

Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre