Maintenance loans for part-time students 2024/25
- Please note, this information is for eligible prospective English-domiciled students joining part-time undergraduate degrees and part-time integrated master’s degrees at Edge Hill University between August 2024 and July 2025.
- The information does not apply to foundation degree or conversion (top-up) degree students.
- The references below to intensity of study are in relation to the equivalent full-time course.
Maximum maintenance loans for part-time students living at parental home (based on intensity of study)
Intensity of study | Maximum loan | Non-income assessed element |
100 % | £8,610 | £3,790 |
75% | £6,457.50 | £2,842.50 |
66.6% | £5,734.26 | £2,524.14 |
50% | £4,305 | £1,895 |
33.3% | £2,867.13 | £1,262.07 |
25% | £2,152.50 | £947.50 |
Maximum maintenance loans for part-time students living away from parental home (based on intensity of study)
Intensity of study | Maximum loan | Non-income assessed element |
100% | £10,227 | £4,767 |
75% | £7,670.25 | £3,575.25 |
66.6% | £6,811.18 | £3,174.82 |
50% | £5,113.50 | £2,383.50 |
33.3% | £3,405.59 | £1,587.41 |
25% | £2,556.75 | £1,191.75 |
Illustrative levels of household income for eligible part-time students living at parental home (rates for 100% intensity of study)
Household income | Maximum loan |
£25,000 and under | £8,610 |
£30,000 | £7,887 |
£35,000 | £7,163 |
£40,000 | £6,440 |
£45,000 | £5,716 |
£50,000 | £4,993 |
£54,596 | £4,327 |
£55,000 | £4,269 |
£58,307 | £3,790 |
£60,000 | £3,790 |
£65,000 and over | £3,790 |
Illustrative levels of household income for eligible part-time students living away from home (rates for 100% intensity of study)
Household income | Maximum loan |
£25,000 and under | £10,227 |
£30,000 | £9,497 |
£35,000 | £8,766 |
£40,000 | £8,035 |
£45,000 | £7,304 |
£50,000 | £6,573 |
£55,000 | £5,842 |
£60,000 | £5,111 |
£62,347 | £4,767 |
£65,000 | £4,767 |
£70,000 and over | £4,767 |