Research Centres

Cardio Respiratory Research Centre
The CRRC aims to combine the EHU academic strengths, bringing together multiple relevant scientific and clinical disciplines in order to undertake high quality cardiorespiratory research leading to solutions in current unmet clinical needs.

Centre for Child Protection and Safeguarding in Sport
The Centre for Child Protection and Safeguarding in Sport (CPSS) is at the forefront of research on understanding and preventing abuse, exploitation, and maltreatment in sport, and promoting children’s/ athletes’ rights.
CPSS produces high-quality, cutting-edge research evidence that informs policy and practice. We work with many organisations and agencies – local, national, and international – from the sport, child protection, and coaching sectors as well as with current and former athletes, ‘survivors’ of violence and abuse in sport, and coaches and coach educators.

Centre for Human Animal Studies
The Centre for Human Animal Studies (CfHAS) is an interdisciplinary forum for research and activities that engage with the complex material, ethical and symbolic relationships between humans, other animals, and their environments. CfHAS brings together scholars from the arts and humanities, social sciences and natural sciences to examine how rethinking our relations with animals can create meaningful social, policy, environmental, ethical and cultural change.
CfHAS promotes interdisciplinary research that challenges anthropocentric (human-centred) thinking and approaches, and recognises the interests of animals.

Centre for Mental Health, Sport and Physical Activity
The Centre for Mental Health, Sport and Physical Activity (CMSPR) undertakes high-quality research which is policy-relevant, practice-focused, and has a demonstrable world-leading impact in sport, physical activity and mental health, including through programme implementation, evaluation, and knowledge exchange activities
. In doing so, the CMSPR brings together academic researchers, industry professionals, organisations, policy makers and beneficiaries (including experts by experience) to address a significant global challenge: namely, the mental health and wellbeing of all those who work, volunteer, study, and engage in sport and physical activity, and members of wider society.

Centre for Social Responsibility
The Centre for Social Responsibility (CSR) acts as an internationally recognised hub for high quality research and knowledge exchange within the broad sphere of social responsibility and civic engagement. We promote the use of creative and emerging methodologies in interdisciplinary research to respond innovatively to complex issues and to promote equality and social justice.

Centre for Sports Law Research
The mission of the Centre for Sports Law Research is to produce high-quality evidence-based research and provide high-level expert advice and consultancy services to public and private bodies engaged in sport. Members of the Centre have undertaken work with domestic and international sports arbitration panels, national governments, the EU, industry bodies and clubs.

Data and Complex Systems Research Centre
The research centre has been formed to support international excellence in areas such as smart data analytics, data representation and visualisation, cyber security, interoperable and interconnected distributed applications and technologies and smart infrastructures, AI and autonomous robotics, telecommunications, IoTs and other disruptive services and technologies

Data Science STEM Research Centre
The Data Science research centre is a forum for shared thinking and interdisciplinary work by fusing available high-end facilities and expertise in a data science approach; creating the base and the opportunities for wider horizons in working collaboratively with the region and beyond and, communicating evidence-based research demonstrating enhanced societal impact.

EPIC: Edge Hill Primary and Integrated Care Research Centre
EPIC Research Centre aims to identify key priorities and challenges in primary and integrated care that require further research, alongside internal and external colleagues. We are striving towards attracting clinical academic and primary and integrated care scientists, and supporting them on their career journey.

International Centre on Racism
The ICR delivers advanced research on global questions concerning racism, with a commitment to engaging in the study of all racisms, including antisemitism. Since the 1960s, scholarship on racism has concentrated on individual countries or regions, as well as particular fields of prejudice at the expense of others. In contrast, the ICR is dedicated to providing global perspectives regarding a plurality of racisms, from Judeophobia to Romaphobia.

International Justice and Human Rights Centre
The International Justice and Human Rights Research Centre provides a forum for research in international criminal law, international humanitarian law, human rights law, public international law, international conflict and security law, migration, criminal justice and human rights. It includes members from both academia and the legal profession.

Intelligent Visual Computing Research Centre
The Intelligent Visual Computing Research Centre is a platform for developing effective visual computing and artificial intelligence techniques, accumulate insight and knowledge, and apply them to understand and solve the real-world problems, strengthen our links to industries, and contribute to the region and the UK economy and society

iCARE: International Centre for Applied Research with Children, Young people, Pregnant women and families
iCARE acts as a leading hub for academics, clinicians, researchers, and service users to share expertise and lead research collaborations. The research centre spans primary, secondary, and tertiary health care as well as social care, education, and a range of academic disciplines, with strong links with leading external organisations in the UK and globally. iCARE works closely and collaboratively with key stakeholders including children and young people, parents, family members, charities, advocacy networks, and other organisations to develop impactful research.

Nineteenth Century Research Centre
EHU Nineteen is an interdisciplinary research centre focussing on long-nineteenth century studies. Specialisms include digital humanities and print culture, masculinity and gender studies, children’s literature and humour, and neo-Victorianism.

Research Centre for Arts & Wellbeing
The Research Centre for Arts and Wellbeing is a unique Centre with regional, national and international reputation due to its strong emphasis on high quality research with interdisciplinary character and impactful knowledge exchange activities.
The Centre works closely with the WHO Arts and Health office, and has successes from external funding bodies such as NIHR, AHRC, ESRC, Arts Council, the Wellcome Trust and the European Union. As a Centre it is committed to generating the highest level of evidence of the contribution of the arts to support the health and wellbeing of individuals across the life span and their communities.