Suzanne Davies, from Liverpool, who is a second-year student, is also a representative for students on the Professional Nursing Committee (PNC). She hopes the additional position to represent nursing students nationally will enable her to raise awareness to and push for a more diverse workforce.
Suzanne commented: “I’m absolutely delighted. I’m a huge believer and supporter of inclusivity in the workplace and I strive to encourage the NHS to employ an inclusive workforce, which is still a prominent issue. I believe this position with the RCN Students Committee will help me do that.”
The RCN is the world’s largest nursing union and professional body with 465,000 members. The RCN Students Committee was established to give nursing students the opportunity to have their say.
Talking about how she intends to help students, Suzanne said: “Universities have their own support networks in place, I’m not here to step on anyone’s toes, I’m here with a neutral and fair listening ear to take forward nursing students views, amplifying their voice. My aim is to help student nurses to be better nurses for the future.”
Part of the role involves taking forward issues raised by student nurses to Congress as a committee. Congress is a four-day event that takes place in June, the outcome of which can influence RCN policy and strategy, something Suzanne is looking forward to.
Talking about how she found out about the opportunity, she said: “I signed up to the RCN network and saw the opportunity. I went up for election and won a place on the committee. I applied for the Vice-Chair position and was up against four other students, I am privileged to have been voted in. I’m excited to use this position to make a difference and it’s also going to look good on my CV.”
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May 4, 2022