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EHU Quote Slider block


Student quotes using filters

These quotes are presented using the following settings:

  • “Profile type” is set to “Student”
  • “Subject” is set to “Animation and Graphic Design”
  • “Max number” is set to 5
  • “Order by” is set to “Date”
  • “Order” is set to “Descending”
STudent, Chris Nutton, sat in animation studio looking to camera

The highlight of my time at Edge Hill has been a trip to Portugal. It was fantastic to explore a new city in a creative way.

Chris Nutton

BA (Hons) Animation

View student profile

I wasn’t sure I had what it took to do a degree. I put university off for a year, but as soon as I moved to Edge Hill I felt welcome and safe.

Caoimhe Rocks

BA (Hons) Animation

View student profile
STudent, Chris Nutton, sat in animation studio looking to camera

Studying at Edge Hill has given me the opportunity to use my skills as an animator to raise awareness of mental health issues, on campus and beyond.”

Chris Nutton

BA (Hons) Animation

View student profile
STudent, Chris Nutton, sat in animation studio looking to camera

The thing I love about my course is using my imagination to the limit, and being able to create content that I love.

Chris Nutton

BA (Hons) Animation

View student profile
STudent, Chris Nutton, sat in animation studio looking to camera

The campus was a massive reason why I came to Edge Hill because everything is together and you don’t have to get a train, taxi or bus to another location.

Chris Nutton

BA (Hons) Animation

View student profile

Alumni quotes added manually

These quotes have been presented using the following settings:

  • Alex Winstanley, Alex Yoxall and David Nickson have been added manually under “Specific quotes”
  • Freddie Berry has been added as a “Sticky quote” and will always appear first before any quotes added manually or those returned using the filters
  • The “Profile type” has been set to “Alumni”
Primary Education with QTS alumni student, Freddie Berry

Studying at Edge Hill gave me the support, expertise, and challenge needed to become a confident class teacher.

Freddie Berry

BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS

View alumni profile
Alex Winstanley

I think the practical experience I got at Edge Hill prepared me well for real-life teaching.

Alex Winstanley

BA (Hons) Physical Education and School Sport

View alumni profile

I landed my dream job after I graduated in media, film and television, working for Think Ahead Stroke, a local support network for stroke survivors.

Alex Yoxall

BA (Hons) Film, Media and Television

View alumni profile
David Nickson

My favourite thing about studying criminology at Edge Hill was that each day was different.

David Nickson

BA (Hons) Criminology

View alumni profile

How to use this block

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Video demonstration