Student pregnancy, parental support and adoption
The university recognises that students who are or become pregnant during their studies may face unique challenges. As a university, we are committed to ensuring that students who are new or expectant parents should not be disadvantaged, and that pregnancy or new parenthood should not themselves provide a barrier to students starting, or successfully completing their studies.
This toolkit aims to provide practical guidance for staff to support students who:
- become pregnant during their studies
- are prospective students who are already pregnant when they commence their studies
- have recently given birth in the previous 26 weeks, or students who are partners of someone who is pregnant or adopting.
Students may become pregnant during their studies or may commence their studies while pregnant. They may also be partners of someone who is pregnant, adopting or going through fertility treatment.
This section of the toolkit is designed to help staff understand the diverse challenges expectant parents might encounter throughout their pregnancy and following their return to their studies.
Expectant parents can include any student who:
- is pregnant upon commencing their studies
- becomes pregnant during their studies
- has given birth within the last 26 weeks
- has a partner who is pregnant, where the student will have parental responsibility for the child
- becomes a parent through the process of adoption or fertility treatment.
Expectant parents will experience varying challenges, depending on their personal circumstances.
- [email protected] – The student support team should be the students first point of contact for support regarding pregnancy. They are based within the catalyst for on-site students. The Student Support Team will also provide broader advice and support to students
- [email protected] – Students can book a mental health and wellbeing support session to discuss their pregnancy and receive advice, or they can access this through the mental health and wellbeing portal
- [email protected] – The SU is an independent body from the University. They can provide informal, impartial advice to the student if they are uncertain what to do, general concerns and broader support such as financial concerns
- [email protected] – The Money Advice team offers virtual and telephone appointments. The team can offer guidance on all money-related matters including student funding, personal finances and provide advice on the Student Support Fund
- [email protected] – The Library and Learning Services Support offer year round advice for students for: assignment writing, time management, reassessment support, and other academic skills/advice
- [email protected] – Enrolment department can help advise or organise a students enrolment/re-enrolment regarding pregnancy if they need to alter how they are studying
- [email protected] – If a pregnant student has a fluctuation in a medical condition and requires additional support the inclusion team will help with any additional support arrangements needed. This can include assessment support
- Call campus support on 01695 584227 – The campus support team is present on campus 24 hours a day. If a student requires immediate medical assistance, they can call the emergency number 01695 584227 and receive help with emergency pregnancy related healthcare.