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Fastrack Pre Course Account Registration

Welcome to the next stage of the Fastrack Preparation for Higher Education recruitment process.

In order to complete the next stage you will need to create an OMIS account.

Omnis provides our applicants with access to your essential pre course activities.

Once you have created your account we will be able to release the relevant materials to you.

Please read the following instructions carefully.

Create your Omnis Account

To begin go to: Omnis

This will bring you through to the Home page and Catalogue.

In the top left-hand corner click on the link to Sign up.

Complete the Create Account setup (see next page).

All items labelled with a * must be completed. All other fields are optional.

Please use the same email address as you have used on your application.

Once you click on Save it will process creating your account and then email a Confirmation Code to the email address you entered. ( Please check your junk mail if you do not receive this)

You will need to enter this confirmation code to finish creating your account.

You will then see a screen to
Sign In

Use the details you have just created to Sign In. Your user name will be your email address

Access Your Area

You can now click on the catalogue item for Fastrack.

You can now enrol on the relevant area of Fastrack.

Please see our invitation email for details of area and access codes.