Research facilities
The Department of Psychology is dedicated to supporting cutting-edge research and has a number of purpose-built laboratories, housing many pieces of technical equipment. The Department also provides appropriate training for students to access these advanced research methods.

We have three eye-tracking labs each with a EyeLink 1000 desktop eye-tracker. We also have a mobile eye-tracker (Tobii Glasses) to measure eye-gaze behaviour in a range of tasks.

A baby and child-friendly area to observe and take measurements relating to infants’ social and cognitive development.

Our BioPac lab includes our Biopac physiological measurement tools, to measure physiological indicators such as heart rate, sweat responses, and electromyography (EMG).

Our EEG lab housing our state-of-the-art EEG equipment.

Houses our Near infra-red Spectroscopy (NIRS) equipment that measures blood flow and cerebral activity.

Housing our Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) & Transcranial direct electrical current stimulation (tDCS).

A purpose-built laboratory that allows researchers to take human tissue samples in a controlled environment that is compliant with the Human Tissue Act (2004). The Department of Psychology undertakes ethically approved research involving human tissue and is coordinated by the Edge Hill University Human Tissue Act Committee.

A custom-built observation lab, complete with observation booth and filming equipment to conduct research designed around human observation and behaviour.

A purpose-built “bar lab”, designed to support our Substance Use and Misuse research work, to explore contextual influences on alcohol cognitions and behaviour.

We have invested in a DS8R Digitmer Consant Current Stimulator. This is used for nerve and muscle stimulation via electrical pulses, for controlled induction of pain.

Our VR lab includes VR headsets which allows us to explore how we interact with virtual agents and environments

We have recently invested in a 3D printer which supports us to produce artefacts to be used for research and creative learning activities.

Dedicated PC suites which have full network access, relevant software and technical facilities available for our students to use.

Quiet cubicles which are bookable for staff and students to collect research data and conduct psychological tests.
Dedicated Student Facilities

Our in-house coaching service hosted by our Registered Coaching Psychologists, to support on things like getting motivated, reducing procrastination and career-direction coaching

A dedicated space for students to engage in peer learning and collaboration

Rooms for students for study meetings or tutorials.
Specialist software

Experiment Builder is a graphic programming software which we use to create computerised psychological experiments.

e-Prime is a software which is used to create and run computerised experiments.

Qualtrics is a web-based survey tool to design and conduct sophisticated surveys.

LIWC is a text analysis program which counts words in various psychologically-relevant categories.