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Medical School research

The Faculty of Health, Social Care & Medicine is committed to producing excellent research to inform evidence based practice and the health and wellbeing of people locally, nationally and internationally.

We are committed to supporting healthcare professionals to develop their research potential through a range of postgraduate programmes. This includes support for NIHR internships and fellowships.

Email the research team for further information

Our research spans three cross–faculty clusters all of which bring together researchers from all Schools with common interests and complementary expertise.

See our COVID-19 research

Prevention and Management of Conditions in Adults

This multi-disciplinary collaborative research cluster focuses on the prevention of health conditions in the wider population and support for people managing conditions in a range of settings. Our work includes the following research areas and we welcome other research that broadly aligns with this cluster.

Read further about prevention and management of conditions in adults

Improving Professional Practice

This research cluster focuses on performance enhancement, maximising individual potential, evaluating the impact of health professions education by developing evidence-based methodologies and applying these to practice. Work focuses on providing the evidence to inform curriculum planning and delivery including: the impact of simulation, and equity in medical education. The IPP researcher cluster is led by: Professor John SandarsProfessor Jeremy Brown and Dr Axel Kaehne.

Read further about improving professional practice

Children, Young People and Families

Our research is multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary. It focuses on understanding and improving the lives of children, young people and families. Our work explores the disruptions, relationships, connections and disconnections in their lives.  We work across various sectors including social care, health and education and we aim to influence practice, policy, and public engagement.

The CYPF research cluster is led by Professor Bernie CarterProfessor Lucy Bray and Dr Julie Abayomi.

Read further about Children, Young People and Families

The faculty

The Faculty has a vibrant postgraduate research community and offers a supportive environment for research development.

It provides a base for the University’s Health Research Institute (HRI) which brings together academics from across the University with a shared interest and expertise in medical and clinical research collaboration with external partners.

The Faculty holds an Athena SWAN Bronze award.

Two students talking whilst at a classroom table. They have their notepads and one student has their laptop.