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Board of Governors

The Board of Governors has oversight of the educational character and mission of the University with specific responsibilities for financial probity and the effective use of resources.

The Board comprises both lay and appointed members. The Vice-Chancellor is an ex-officio member of the Board. The Chair of the Board, and Pro-Chancellor, is elected from the lay governors.

The Board of Governors seeks to conduct its affairs in accordance with the requirements of the CUC higher education Code of Governance, the Seven Principles identified by the Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life, and the OfS Public Interest Governance Principles.

The Board’s work is outlined in the Statement of Primary Responsibilities.

Statement of primary responsibilities (document)


The Board is supported by three committees which undertake detailed or specialist work. You can find out more about them below:


Board of Governors profiles

If you have any queries about the Board of Governors, please contact [email protected].

Board of Governors Minutes

Board of Governors Minutes (documents)

Useful Information

We have an open recruitment process and accept speculative applications. If you are interested in joining our Board, please contact [email protected].

If you have any cause to complain about one of our governors, you should access the Board of Governors Complaints Procedure.

For all other queries, please contact the Board’s Secretariat at [email protected].