Postgraduate Researchers
Data Access Statements
A Data Access (or Availability) Statement is a short statement that tells the reader of a publication where the underpinning data are deposited. You should include one in all of your publications.
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Research Centres
Health Research Institute Showcase
We are excited to invite you to the inaugural Edge Hill University Health Research Institute Showcase event, taking place on Thursday 19 September 2024.
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Research Internships
Resources and training
The Academic Engagement and Open Research Teams provide a range of resources to support your research, alongside training and development in research management and skills.
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The Team
Opening the research lifecycle
Open Research
Share your data
Your data are valuable research outputs. Sharing your data can benefit you and your research and it is increasingly required by funders and publishers. You need to plan what, if any, data you will share and how.
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Store your data
It's important to consider how and where you will store your data both during and after your research.