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Your Induction

Between finding your way around campus, making new friends and settling into a new place, there’s lots to take on board. But don’t worry. We’re here to help you every step of the way. 

Your induction timetable:

Your induction timetable provides all the information you need during your first few days – including where you need to be and when. There are a range of activities planned for you, including sessions designed to help you get to know people you’ll be studying with.

Full time undergraduate:

Postgraduate programmes:

Join our social media groups:

Use these drop down boxes to find out what you need to do during your first week at Edge Hill:

Enrol on your course
Explore our support services
Check in with your Personal Tutor
Get to know your surroundings
Get to know the Students’ Union
Connect with our Campus Life Team
Register with the local medical centre
Find out what’s on
Faith and Community
Settle in to campus life

Students’ Union

Ormskirk campus map

Virtual campus tour

Any questions?