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These pages outline the financial support arrangements for UK students joining the Fastrack: Preparation for higher education programme at Edge Hill University in academic year 2023/24.

We can help explain what student funding you may be entitled to receive and how to apply for it.


Edge Hill University is committed to providing financial support for Fastrack students. If you are studying on the Fastrack programme this year, you may be eligible for some financial support whilst you are enrolled on the course. If eligible, this funding which you will not need to pay back includes a financial contribution towards the following costs only:

  • Travel Expenses – Help towards the cost of travelling from your home address to attend face-to-face sessions on campus up to a maximum of £80 per week.
  • Childcare Costs – Help towards costs over and above any free childcare provision, through a registered provider, to enable you to attend the course.
  • Accommodation Fees – Help towards costs if you wish to stay in our halls of residence for the duration of the Fastrack course, subject to your travel costs exceeding £80 per week. If your travel costs from home to campus are less than £80 per week and you still wish to apply to stay in halls, you may be eligible for a partial contribution towards the cost of your hall fees.

Please note, the Fastrack Fund is designed to provide a contribution towards each of the above and may not subsidise the full costs of these expenses. The funding for successful applicants will be paid in two instalments following enrolment onto the Fastrack course.

Whether you are eligible to receive a payment from the fund is determined by whether you are receiving certain benefits or allowances or if your gross household income is below a specific threshold as outlined below.

Please note, a maximum overall award amount of £4,000 applies per student.

The information on these pages may be subject to change. 

Tuition fees

The Fastrack programme is free of charge to UK students joining the June 2024 intake.

How do I apply to the Fastrack Fund?
Fastrack funding eligibility criteria

Fastrack frequently asked questions

What does Fastrack funding cover?
What evidence will I need to supply for Fastrack funding?
How will I know if my application for Fastrack funding is approved?
If I’m eligible for funding, when will I receive my payment?
How are childcare costs paid?
Will I still be able to claim Universal Credit during the Fastrack programme?
When should I apply for Student Finance for my intended degree programme?
How should I apply for Student Finance?


Scholarships are available to apply for once you are enrolled on the Fastrack course.

Sports Scholarships
Preparation for Higher Education Scholarship
How do I apply for a Scholarship?
Student Opportunity Fund

Contact us

If you’ve got any questions about your eligibility for Fastrack financial support, or if you wish to receive advice and guidance on applying for funding (including support in completing funding applications), you can get in touch with the Money Advice Team.

The above email inbox is only monitored for one month prior to the start of Fastrack programme and one month after the start of the programme. If you’ve got any questions outside of this timeframe in relation to Fastrack funding please email

All advice and guidance provided by the University is subject to any information which you choose to impart to us, about your individual circumstances, being correct. The advice and guidance you receive will be based upon current eligibility criteria.

All staff will treat any information you share with them in the strictest confidence.

Further information

Our Student Services webpages includes money advice, including useful tips on how to increase your income and reduce your expenses while at university, together with advice about keeping track of your finances and managing your money effectively.

Student finance resources and information, including a popular discussion forum, for English-domiciled students can also be found on The Student Room website.