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Taken up high by a drone showing Creative Edge with it's grassy roof and the Chancellors halls of residence. A beautiful sunset in the background.

The University is coming to the end of its 2020-2025 strategic planning cycle and the appointment of a new Vice-Chancellor offers an opportunity for you to shape the next Strategic Plan, taking the University towards its 150th anniversary in 2035.

The University is ambitious for its students, its staff and the region and the next strategy will reflect its aim to be recognised as a top 30 UK higher education institution by the end of this decade.

View our Strategic Plan 2021-2025
University Mission Statement ‘In Scientia Opportunitas’ (through knowledge, opportunity)

This simple, founding mission sits at the heart of what the University strives to achieve. Edge Hill seeks to provide an intellectually stimulating, creative and inclusive environment for its community. Teaching and learning of the highest standard, supported by pure and applied research of international significance, will provide a firm foundation for its graduates and other stakeholders in a rapidly changing world. Knowledge and understanding, a global perspective, and a life-long capacity to learn and adapt are the surest ways of securing the individual’s, and the nation’s, future.


Edge Hill’s core values lie in its wholehearted commitment to its students, staff and stakeholders, and the University’s constant efforts to continue to improve. The University’s approach is inclusive; celebrating diversity and tirelessly striving to enhance the transformational life opportunities that an outstanding education provides.

The University is both financially, socially and environmentally sustainable, seeking always to reinvest its resources to enhance: the student experience; research capacity; engagement with the public and third sectors, business and the region; and a commitment to its local communities.

The current strategic plan (2021-2025)

This plan highlighted the University’s commitment to:

  • provide an outstanding student experience, underpinned by high quality learning and teaching, and further develop our strong sense of community
  • continue its measured investment in the campus and facilities to further enhance what is already an outstanding environment for learning and living
  • continue to build research capacity, and further develop research in cognate fields which have a demonstrable impact on disciplines and society
  • further strengthen its links to employers and the region, and enhance student employability and self-employment
  • selectively establish additional national and international partnerships to enrich university life, deepen understanding, and benefit the region, the UK economy and society.
A group of students are walking through the Edge Hill University campus.

Future strategy

The University has a strong and enduring commitment to continuing to enhance the student experience, in all its forms and for the quality of that experience to be recognised in positive student outcomes and satisfaction measures.

As the University begins the next phase of strategic planning and the development of a new strategic plan, it does so with a number of clear aims which the new Vice-Chancellor will shape and lead.

Despite the challenges which lie ahead for the UK HE sector, by the end of the decade, Edge Hill will:

  • be a top 30 UK university
  • have improved market share
  • have regained a TEF Gold Award
  • have significantly increased research grants and income
  • have continued to generate surpluses for further investment in the foundations which underpin an outstanding student experience and research excellence.
Students standing at bottom of stairs in the catalyst library building