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Helping you reach your full potential is really important to us.

That’s why we’re on hand, with dedicated staff, to help and advise you when things don’t go to plan. We understand that there are a range of reasons that may lead you to think about giving up your studies – from not getting the grades you expected or having money worries, to struggling with mental health, not making friends or other demands on your time.

But we also know that we’re with you every step of the way, providing the right support so you can stay on course.

There may be a range of options for you including:

  • If you’re experiencing serious issues, it may be that you should consider interrupting your studies, repeating the year or transferring to a different course
  • If you’re currently studying full time, it may be that we think you would be better suited switching to part-time study to get you back on track
  • If you’re struggling financially, it may be that we advise you about additional funding, part-time work opportunities and budgeting
  • If you’re finding it difficult to keep on top of your academic work, it may be that we help you organise and plan your assignments and workload and arrange one-to-one study skills sessions
  • If you’re finding things overwhelming, it may be that we recommend you meet with our wellbeing professionals so we can provide emotional and practical support and counselling if required

If you are struggling, first of all, don’t make any rushed decisions. Remember, you’re not on your own.

Before you make any decisions:


Contact your dedicated department lead, – if you’re not sure who this is, take a look at the tables below. When you meet, tell them about how you’re feeling, the reasons why you’re thinking of leaving and ask them about options and help available. They will listen to you, explore with you how we can support you to continue with your studies and arrange next steps.

Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine

Supporting the decision that’s right for you

We do hope that once you’ve shared your concerns with us and we’ve had the opportunity to guide and support you, that you’ll feel confident to continue with your studies. But, if you do choose to leave, we can explain any financial implications and help guide you through the process.

A staff member talking to a student in the Catalyst building before they go into a 1 to1 appointment