Lecture Capture
Lecture capture is term used to describe any technology that allows tutors to digitally record a lecture (using Audio/Video, screen captures or PowerPoint slides) and make it available for students to see.
- At Edge Hill, the lecture capture system is called Panopto and it will capture and sync audio and presentation materials.
- Video is not normally captured but is an option if required for a particular session
- Panopto has been installed in all lecture theatres and larger teaching spaces.
- It can be used, among other things to:
- provide a study aid for review and revision
- help accommodate different learning style preferences
- assist students who do not have English as their first language
- assist students who have particular educational needs
If the lecture or session has been recorded then it will appear as a secure link in the Learning Edge course associated with that module.
The University has agreed a set of expectations around the use of Lecture Capture http://eshare.edgehill.ac.uk/id/eprint/13657
Find out more
Students find out more about lecture capture at http://eshare.edgehill.ac.uk/id/eprint/11984
Staff find out more about lecture capture at http://eshare.edgehill.ac.uk/id/eprint/13659 Detailed guidance and resources for staff wanting to use Panopto are located in Learning Edge. Choose Staff from the Learning Edge menu bar